Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2003 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3827 di 4666       

Republicki Zavod za Statitiku Srbije (Beograd)
- Educational attainment and literacy - data by municipalities / Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade - Statistical Office, 2003
Incluso in > Population - 2002 Census of population, households and dwellings / Republic of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Testo Monografico

Republicki Zavod za Statitiku Srbije (Beograd)
- National or ethnic affiliation - data by localities / Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade - Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2003
Incluso in > Population - 2002 Census of population, households and dwellings / Republic of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Testo Monografico

Republicki Zavod za Statitiku Srbije (Beograd)
- Religion, mother tongue and national or ethnic affiliation by age and sex - data by municipalities / Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade - Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2003
Incluso in > Population - 2002 Census of population, households and dwellings / Republic of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Testo Monografico

Republicki Zavod za Statitiku Srbije (Beograd)
- Sex and age - data by localities / Republic of Serbia Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Belgrade - Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, 2003
Incluso in > Population - 2002 Census of population, households and dwellings / Republic of Serbia, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Testo Monografico

Repullo, Rafael
Capital requirements, market power and risk-taking in banking / Rafael Repullo
London - Centre for economic policy research, 2003
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Repullo, Rafael
Loan pricing under basel capital requirements / Rafael Repullo and Javier Suarez
London - Centre for economic policy research, 2003
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Repłn, Graciela
Io scopro / Graciela Repłn ; illustrazione di Nora Hilb
Vicenza - Il punto d'incontro, 2003
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Perush al hatorah / Menahem Reqanati
, Yerushalaym - (s.n.). 2003
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Requejo, Ferran
Federalisme plurinacional i estat de les autonomies - aspectes teņrics i aplicats / Ferran Requejo
Barcelona - Proa, 2003
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Requena Santos, Felix
Analisis de redes sociales - origenes, teorias y aplicaciones / Felix Requena Santos
Madrid - CIS ; Siglo veintiuno, 2003
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Requena, Miguel
Lo maravilloso y el poder - los presagios de imperio de los emperadores Aureliano y Tacito en la Historia Augusta / Miguel Requena
Valencia - Universitat, 2003
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Requirez, Salvatore
I campioni della targa Florio / Salvatore Requirez
Palermo - Flaccovio, (2003)
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Res, Janus
Environment-friendly techniques of rock breaking / Janus Res, K. Wladzielczyk, Ajoy K. Ghose
Lisse - A.A. Balkema pub., c2003
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Resal, Jean
Cours de ponts metalliques - professe a l'Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees / par Jean Resal
Paris ; Liege - Librairie polytechnique Ch. Beranger, 1908-
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Rescaglio, Angelo
Eterni mondi naturali nella poesia di Orazio / Angelo Rescaglio
Cremona, 2003
Testo Monografico