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IFLA annual report / International federation of library associations and institutions The Hague, Netherlands - International federation of library associations and institutions, 2003- Pubblicazione Periodica International federation of library associations and institutions International preservation news - a newsletter of the IFLA programme on preservation and conservation / The Library of congress IFLA PAC core programme national preservation program office Washington - s.n. , 1987- Pubblicazione Periodica International federation of library associations and institutions ISBD(G) - General International Standard Bibliographic Description - Recommended by the ISBD Review Group ; Approves by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n. , 2004 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions Linee guida IFLA/UNESCO per le biblioteche scolastiche / edizione italiana a cura della Commissione nazionale biblioteche scolastiche dell'AIB ; coordinamento e revisione di Luisa Marquardt e Paolo Odasso ; prefazione di Luisa Marquardt ; premessa di Paolo Odasso Roma - Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2004 Testo Monografico International federation of library associations and institutions - Libraries for children and young adults section Linee guida per i servizi bibliotecari per ragazzi - i servizi bibliotecari per ragazzi oggi piu importanti che mai per i bambini, i ragazzi e le loro famiglie in tutto il mondo / IFLA - Libraries for children and young adults section Roma - Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, (2004) Testo Monografico International federation of societies for surgery of the hand Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International federation of societies for surgery of the hand - Budapest, Hungary, June 13-17, 2004 / editor- Antal Renner Bologna - Medimond International proceedings, (2004) Testo Monografico International Film Festival (22. ; 2004 ; Bruxelles) 22nd *Brussels International festival of fantastic film - 12-27 march 2004 Bruxelles - (Brussels International festival of fantastic, Thriller & science-fiction film), 2004 Testo Monografico International Film Festival (23. ; 2005 ; Bruxelles) 23rd Brussels International festival of fantastic film - 11-26 march 2004 Bruxelles - (Brussels International festival of fantastic, Thriller & s cience-fiction film), 2004 Testo Monografico International finance corporation Summary proceedings 1958 - annual meeting of the Board of Governors Washington - International Finance Corporation, 1958- . Testo Monografico International finance corporation Third annual report - 1958-1959 Washington - International Finance Corporation, 1959- . Testo Monografico International free-electron laser Conference (26. ; 2004 ; Trieste) FEL 2004 - 26. international free-electron laser conference and ?11. FEL user-workshop - conference programme and abstracts (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 2004 ) (Trieste - Graphart) Testo Monografico International geographical union - Commission on the history of geographical thought Geographers - biobibliographical studies / edited by T. W. Freeman, Marguerita Oughton and Philippe Pinchemel on behalf of the International Geographical Union, Commission on the History of Geographical Thought ; (poi) edited by Patrick H. Armstrong and Geoffrey J. Martin on behalf of the Commission on the History of Geographical Thought of the International Geographical Union and the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science ; (poi) edited by Hayden Lorimer and Charles W. J. Withers London - Mansell - (poi) Continuum, 1977- Testo Monografico International Geological Congress (17. ; 1937 ; Mosca) Report of the 17. session / International Geological Congress, 1937 ; the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics Moscow - s.n. , 1939- Testo Monografico International geological congress (32 ; Firenze ; 2004) International geological congress from the mediterranean area toward a global geological renaissance geology, natural hazards, and cultural heritage - Florence-Italy August 20-28, 2004 - field trip guide books / APAT (Agenzia per la protezione dell'ambiente e per i servizi tecnici) Firenze - Lito Terrazzi, ©2004 Incluso in > Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia / R. Ufficio geologico Testo Monografico International geological congress (32. ; 2004 ; Florence) Field trip guide books / (series editors- Luca Guerrieri, Irene Rischia and Leonello Serva) Roma - APAT, 2004 (Firenze - Litoterrazzi) Incluso in > Memorie descrittive della carta geologica d'Italia / R. Ufficio geologico Testo Monografico |