Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2004 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1733 di 4666       

Jensch, Doris
Der Einfluss von Störungen auf Waldbodenvegetation - Experimente in drei hessischen Buchenwäldern / Doris Jensch
Berlin ; Stuttgart - J. Cramer, 2004
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Jensen, Bernard
Aglio - proprieta medicinali e poteri di guarigione di un alimento eccezionale / Bernard Jensen
Diegaro di Cesena - Macro, 2004
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Jensen, John T.
Principles of generative phonology - an introduction / John T. Jensen
Amstyerdam ; Philadelphia - Benjamins, c2004
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Jensen, Michael
Salte gleder - effektivt sportsfiske i saltvann / av Michael Jensen ; oversettelse- Per Steinar Mannes
°Oslo - Naturforlaget, ©2004
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Jensen, Ole B.
Making european space - mobility, power and territorial identity / Ole B. Jensen and Tim Richardson
London ; New York - Routledge, 2004
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Jensen, Peter S.
Making the system work for your child with ADHD / Peter S. Jensen
New York - Guilford Press, c2004
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Jensen, Robert
Citizens of the empire - the struggle to claim our humanity / by Robert Jensen
San Francisco - City Lights, c2004
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Jensen, Robin Margaret
The substance of things seen - art, faith, and the christian community / Robin M. Jensen
Grand Rapids - William B, Eerdmans, 2004
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Jensson, Gottskalk
The recollections of Encolpius - the Satyrica of Petronius as Milesian fiction / Gottskálk Jensson
Groningen - Barkhuis publishing & Groningen university library, 2004
Incluso in > Ancient narrative. Supplementum
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Jensterle Dolezal, Alenka
Mit o Antigoni v zahodno- in juznoslovanskih dramatikah sredi 20. stoletja / Alenka Jensterle-Dolezal
V Ljubljani - Slovenska Matica, 2004
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Jentleson, Bruce W.
American foreign policy - the dynamics of choice in the 21. century. - 2. ed. - Bruce W. Jentleson. - New York ; London - W.W. Norton & Co., c2004. - XXII, 693, A-7, I-42 p. - ill. ; 24 cm.
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Jentsch, Anke
Disturbance driven vegetation dynamics - concepts from biogeography to community ecology, and experimental evidence from dry acidic grasslands in central Europe / Anke Jentsch
Berlin ; Stuttgart - J. Cramer, 2004
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Jeong, Eoun
Gheguri nonuro oseyo / Jeong Eoun gul ; Kim Myung Gil gurim
Kyoungghido - Dolbeghe orini, 2004
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Jeppesen, Knud
Die italienische Orgelmusik am Anfang des Cinquecento / eingelitet und herausgegeben von Knud Jeppesen
Kobenhavn - Hansen
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Jepson, Brian
Mac OS X Panther for Unix geeks / Brian Jepson and Ernest E. Rothman
Beijing (etc.) - O'Reilly, c2004
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