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Incluso in > Memuary grafa S.D.Seremeteva / Sostavlenie L.I. Sohin Testo Monografico Madrid - Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Incluso in > Juan Gris - paintings and drawings, 1910-1927 / Paloma Esteban Leal Testo Monografico Nancy - Groupe 16. et 17. sičcles en Europe, Université Nancy 2, 2005 Incluso in > Langues et identites culturelles dans l'Europe des 16. et 17. siecles - actes du colloque international, organise a Nancy (13, 14 et 15 novembre 2003) / sous la direction de Marie-Sol Ortola et Marie... Testo Monografico Seoul - Korea water resources association, 2005 Incluso in > Abstracts of 31. IAHR congress - Water engineering for the future - choices and challenges - hydroinformatics, hydraulic modelling and data ... °etc. - Coex, Seoul, September 11-16 2005 / editors By... Testo Monografico Roma - Institutum patristicum Augustinianum, 2005 Incluso in > Giovanni Crisostomo- *Oriente e Occidente tra 4. e 5. secolo - 33. Incontro di studiosi dell'antichita cristiana - Roma, 6-8 maggio 2004 Testo Monografico Mumbai - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 2005 Incluso in > Proceedings of the 29. international cosmic ray conference - August 3-10, 2005, Pune, India / organized by the Tata Institute of fundamental research ; under the auspices of the international union o... Testo Monografico Paris - societe de l'antiquaires de l'ouest, 2005 Incluso in > Grand cartulaire de Fontevraud - (Pancarta et cartularium abbatissae et ordinis Fontis Ebraudi) / reconstitue et publie par Jean-Marc Bienvenu ; avec la collaboration de Robert Favreau et Georges pon Testo Monografico Tubingen - Niemeyer, 2005 Incluso in > Kulturgeschichte Schlesiens in der fruhen Neuzeit / herausgegeben von Klaus Gerber Testo Monografico Halle - Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen ; Tubingen - Niemeyer, c2005 Incluso in > Interdisziplinare Pietismusforschungen - Beitrage zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress fur Pietismusforschung 2001 / herausgegeben von Udo Strater in Verbindung mit Hartmut Lehmann, Thomas Muller-Bah... Testo Monografico Torino - UTET libreria, (2005) Incluso in > Scienza delle costruzioni / Franco Algostino, Giorgio Faraggiana, Angia Sassi Perino Testo Monografico Rzeszów - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2005 Incluso in > Poezja polska na obczyznie - studia i szkice / pod red. Zbigniewa Andresa i Jana Wolskiego Testo Monografico London - College Publications, c2005 Incluso in > We will show them - essays in honour of Dov Gabbay on his 60th birthday / edited by Sergei Artemov ... (et al.) Testo Monografico Frankfurt am Main - Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 2005 Incluso in > The reception and assimilation of greek and indian science in Islam - texts and studies / collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer Testo Monografico Frankfurt am Main - Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 2005 Incluso in > The part of science in Islam / collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer Testo Monografico Frankfurt am Main - Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, 2005 Incluso in > The reception and assimilation of arabic science in the occident - texts and studies / collected and reprinted by Fuat Sezgin ; in collaboration with Carl Ehrig-Eggert, Eckhard Neubauer Testo Monografico |