Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2005 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3513 di 4666       

Carle, Eric
10 little rubber ducks / Eric Carle
New York - HarperCollins, c2005
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Carle, Eric
10 little rubber ducks / Eric Carle
London - HarperCollins children's books, 2005
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Carle, Eric
10 little rubber ducks / Eric Carle
New York - HarperCollins, 2005
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Carle, Eric
Al- dudah al-shadidah al-jaw' / bi-qalam wa rishah Arik Karl ; wa tarjamah Muhammad 'Inani
Al-Jizah - Dar al-Balsam, 2005
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Carle, Eric
Al- hasharah al-ghadibah / bi-qalam wa rishah Arik Karl ; wa tarjamahMuhammad 'Inani
Al-Jizah - Dar al-Balsam, 2005
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Carle, Eric
A house for Hermit Crab / Eric Carle
New York (etc. - Aladdin Paperbacks, 2005
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Carle, Eric
L' ippocampo, un papà speciale / Eric Carle
Milano - Mondadori, 2005
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Carle, Eric
My very first book of colours / by Eric Carle
London - Puffin books, 2005
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Carle, Eric
My very first book of shapes / by Eric Carle
, New York - Philomel Books,2006
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Carle, Eric
My very first book of shapes / by Eric Carle
New York - Penguin, 2005
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Carle, Eric
Pancakes, pancakes / Eric Carle
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Carle, Eric
Il piccolo bruco mai sazio / Eric Carle ; traduzione di Glauco Arneri
(Noli) - (s.n.), 2005
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Carle, Eric
The tiny seed / Eric Carle
London (etc.) - Simon and Schuster, 2005
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Carle, Eric
The tiny seed / Eric Carle
New York...(etc.) - Little Simon, 2005
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Carle, Eric
The very hungry caterpillar / by Eric Carle
Harmondsworth - Penguin books - Puffin books, 2005
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