Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2005 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1351 di 4666       

Heliou, Philippos
Ergographia K. Th. Demara - 1917-2004 / Philippos Eliou
Athena - Bibliologiko Ergasteri - Spoudasterio Neou Ellenismou, 2005
Testo Monografico

Hell, Bertrand
Possession et chamanisme - Les maitres du désordre / Bertrand Hell
Paris - Flammarion, 2005
Testo Monografico

Hellberg, Mattias
Mattias Hellberg
(S. l) - Fargo, (2005)
Registrazione audio

Hellemans, Geert
Etude phonetique et graphique du (j) (jod) en grec mycenien / Geert Hellemans
Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit, 2005
Testo Monografico

Hellenic association for the study of english
The other within - selected papers from the 3rd International Conference of the Hellenic Association for the study of English / edited by Ruth Parkin-Gounelas ; assistant editor- Effie Yiannopoulou
Thessaloniki - Athanasios A. Altintzis, 2001-
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Hellens, Franz
Les filles du désir / Franz Hellens ; lecture d'Éric Uyttebrouck
Bruxelles - Labor, °2005
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Heller, Deborah
Literary sisterhoods - imagining women artists / Deborah Heller
Montreal ; Ithaca - McGill-Queen's university press, 2005
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Heller, Eva
Melittas wunderbare verwandlung - fur kinder, die gern lesen / Eva Heller ; mit vielen bildern von Eva Heller
Munchen - Deutscher taschenbuch verlag, 2005
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Heller, Jane
Best enemies / Jane Heller
New York - St. Martin, 2005
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Heller, Jane
Meglio rospo che principe / Jane Heller ; traduzione di Sara Caraffini
Milano - Polillo, 2005
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Heller, Jane
Tutta sua madre / Jane Heller
Milano - Mondolibri, 2005
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Heller, Michal
Some mathematical physics for philosophers / Michael Heller
Vatican city - Pontificium consilium de cultura ; Rome - Pontificia universitas Gregoriana, ©2005
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Heller, Peter
Precipizi liquidi / Peter Heller ; traduzione di Chiara Brovelli
Milano - Corbaccio, (2005)
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Heller, Philip
Complete java 2 certification study guide / Philip Heller, Simon Roberts
Indianapolis - Wiley, 2005
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Heller, René
Physiologie vegetale / R. Heller ; avec la collaboration de R . Esnault, C. Lance
Paris - Masson, 1990-1991
Testo Monografico