Pagina nr. 1852 di 4666 |
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Spijtwraak - hoe Nederland afrekent met zichzelf / Sjoerd de Jong Amsterdam ; Rotterdam - Prometheus, 2005 Testo Monografico Jong, Tom J. - de Evolutionary ecology of plant reproductive strategies / Tom de Jong and Peter G.L. Klinkhamer Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2005 Testo Monografico Jongmans, W. Fossilium catalogus- *plantae / editus a W. Jongmans, S. J. Dijkstra Berlin ; 's-Gravenhage ; Amsterdam - W. Junk, 1913- Testo Monografico Jonke, Ljudevit O hrvatskome jeziku - u Telegramu od 1960 do 1968. / Ljudevit Jonke ; piredio Ivan Markovic Zagreb - Pergamena, 2005 Testo Monografico Jonquet, Thierry Comedia / Thierry Jonquet (Paris) - Gallimard, (2005) Testo Monografico Jonsen, Albert R. Bioethics beyond the headlines - who lives who dies? who decides? / Albert R. Jonsen. -Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, ©2005 Testo Monografico Jonsmoen, Ola Solverglans og andre noveller / Ola Jonsmoen (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Sollia, c2005 Testo Monografico Jonson, Ben Volpone / Ben Jonson ; a cura di Mario Praz ; postfazione di Agostino Lombardo (Milano - BUR, 2004 Testo Monografico Jonson, Gunilla Urban transport development - a complex issue / Gunilla Jonson, Emin Tengstrom (Lund) - Springer, c2005 Testo Monografico Jonsson, Christer Essence of diplomacy / Christer Jönsson and Martin Hall Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 Testo Monografico Jonsson, Finn Agrip af bokmenntasogu Islands / eptir Finn Jonsson Reykjavik - prentad i fjelagsprentsmidjunni, 1891- Testo Monografico Jonsson, Hjorleifur Mien relations - mountain people and state control in Thailand / Hjorleifur Jonsson Ithaca - Cornell University Press, 2005 Testo Monografico Jonung, Lars The Boom-Bust Cycle in Finland and Sweden 1984-1995 in an International Perspetive / By Lars Jonung, Ludger Schuknecht and Mika Tujula Brussels - European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Publications, 2005 Testo Monografico Jonung, Lars How costly was the crisis of the 1990s - A comparative analysis of the deepest crises in Finland and Sweden over the last 130 years / by Lars Jonung and Thomas Hagberg Brussels - European community, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, 2005 Testo Monografico Jonung, Lars Proceedings of the 2004 First Annual DG ECFIN Research Conference on ' Business Cycles and Growth in Europe' / edited by Lars Jonung (ed altri) Brussels - European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs Publications Testo Monografico |