Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2006 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1550 di 4666       

International congress of classical archaeology (16. ; 2003 ; Boston)
Common ground- archaeology, art, science and humanities - proceedings of the 16. International congress of classical archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003 / Carol C. Mattusch, A. A. Donohue, Amy Brauer editors
Oxford - Oxbow books, ©2006
Testo Monografico

International Congress of Classical Studies (2. ; 1954 ; Copenhagen)
Acta Congressus Madvigiani, Hafniae 1954 - Proceedings of the 2. International Congress of Classical Studies - ?Copenhagen August 23-28, 1954, 150. anniversary of the birth of J. N. Madvig?
Copenhagen - Munksgaard, 1958-
Testo Monografico

International Congress of Comparative Law (7. ; 2006 ; Ultrecht)
Finnish legal system and recent development - 7. international congress of comparative law - organised by the International Academy of comparative Law - 16-22 july 2006, Ultrecht, Netherlands ; Erkki J. Hollo (ed.)
Helsinki - Edita, 2006
Testo Monografico

International congress of emergency surgery (8. ; 1987 ; Milano)
8th International congress of emergency surgery - Milano, 21-24 giugno 1987 / a cura di V. Staudacher, G. Bevilacqua
Bologna - Monduzzi, 1987
Testo Monografico

International congress of mathematics education (10 ; 2004 ; Copenhagen)
Ethnomathematics and mathematics education - proceedings of the 10th International congress of mathematics education - Copenhagen, Denmark - July 4-11, 2004 - Discussion group 15 - Ethnomathematics / edited by Franco Favilli
Pisa - Tipografia editrice pisana, stampa 2006
Testo Monografico

International congress of meat science and technology (52. ; 2006 ; Dublin)
international congress of meat science and technology - harnessing and exploiting global opportunities / edited by Declan Troy ... (ed altri)
(Wageningen) - Wageningen academic publishers, 2006
Testo Monografico

International congress of Medieval canon law (11. ; 2000 ; Catania)
Proceedings of the eleventh international Congress of medieval canon law - Catania, 30 july-6 august 2000 / edited by Manlio Bellomo and Orazio Condorelli
Città del Vaticano - Biblioteca apostolica Vaticana, 2006
Testo Monografico

International congress of neurological sciences (1. ; 1957 ; Bruxelles)
Proceedings - Brussels, 21-28 July, 1957 / ed. by L. van Bogaert, J. Radermeecker
London - Pergamon Press, 1959- .
Testo Monografico

International congress of orientalists (25. ; 1960 ; Mosca)
Trudy dvadcat' pjatogo Meždunarodnogo Kongressa Vostokovedov - Moskva, 9-16 avgusta 1960
Nendeln - Kraus reprint, 1972-
Testo Monografico

International congress of Orientalists (26. ; 1964 ; New Delhi)
Proceedings of the twenty-sixth International congress of orientalists - New Delhi 4-10th January, 1964
New Delhi - Organising committee 26. International congress of orientalists ; (poi Poona - Bhandarkar oriental research institute, 1966-
Testo Monografico

International Congress of Paper Historians (28. ; 2006 ; Barcelona)
Papers of the 28th international congress of paper historians, Capellades-Montserrat, Barcelona, 5-8 October 2006
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - IPH, c2006
Testo Monografico

International congress of prehistoric and protohistoric sciences (14. ; 2001 ; Liegi)
15- Préhistoire en Afrique - sessions générales et posters / éditié par le Secrétariat du Congrès
Oxford - Archaeopress, 2006
Incluso in > Actes du 14.eme congres UISPP, Universite de Liege, Belgique, 2-8 septembre 2001
Testo Monografico

International congress of psychology (28. ; 2004 ; Beijing)
1- Neural cognitive and developmental issues / edited by Qicheng Jing ... (ed altri)
New York - Psychology Press, 2006
Incluso in > Progress in psychological science around the world - congress proceedings 18. (sic) international congress of psychology, Beijing, 2004 / edited by Qicheng Jing ... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

International congress of psychology (28. ; 2004 ; Beijing)
2- Social and applied issues / edited by Qicheng Jing ... (ed altri)
New York - Psychology Press, 2006
Incluso in > Progress in psychological science around the world - congress proceedings 18. (sic) international congress of psychology, Beijing, 2004 / edited by Qicheng Jing ... (et al.)
Testo Monografico

International Congress of the History of Art (25. ; 1983 ; Wien)
Akten des 25. internationalen Kongresses fur Kunstgeschichte - Wien, 4.-10. September 1983 / im Auftrag des osterreichischen Nationalkomitees des CIHA ; herausgegeben von Hermann Fillitz und Martina Pippal
Wien ; Koln ; Graz - Bohlaus, 1984-19
Testo Monografico