Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2006 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1993 di 4666       

Kotowski, Georg
Friedrich Ebert - eine politische biographie / von Georg Kotowski
Wiesbaden - F. Steiner, 1963-
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Kotowski, Krzysztof
Serwal / Krzysztof Kotowski
(Warszawa) - Swiat Ksiazki, 2006
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Kotrlý, Zdenek
Dosna / Zdenek Kotrlý
Praha - Academia, 2006
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Kott, Christina
Préserver l'art de l'ennemi - Le patrimoine artistique en Belgique et en France occupées - 1914-1918 / Christina Kott
Bruxelles (etc.) - P.I.E. Peter Lang, c2006
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Kott, Jan
Shakespeare nostro contemporaneo / Jan Kott ; prefazione di Mario Praz ; traduzione di Vera Petrelli
Milano - Feltrinelli, 2006
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Kott, Sandrine
Dictionnaire des nations et des nationalismes dans l'Europe contemporaine / Sandrine Kott, Stephane Michonneau
Paris - Hatier, (2006)
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Kottak, Conrad Phillip
Anthropology - The exploration of human diversity / Conrad Phillip Kottak
Boston - McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2006
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Kotter, John P.
Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo / John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber ; prefazione di Spencer Johnson ; illustrazioni di Peter Mueller
(Milano) - Sperling & Kupfer, 2006, stampa 2007
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Kotter, John P.
Il nostro iceberg si sta sciogliendo / John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber ; prefazione di Spencer Johnson ; illustrazioni di Peter Mueller
(Milano) - Sperling & Kupfer, (2006)
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Kotz, John C.
Chemistry & chemical reactivity / John C. Kotz, Paul M. Treichel, Gabriela C. Weaver
Belmont (CA) - Brooks/Cole, ©2006
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Kotzebue, August - von
Teatro scielto di Kotzebue secondo le ultime traduzioni. Tomo 1. (-30.)
Bologna - nella tipografia Marsigli, 1829-1834
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Koudelka, Josef
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Koukkari, Willard L.
Introducing biological rhythms - a primer on the temporal organization of life, with implications for health, society, reproduction and the natural environment / Willard L. Koukkari and Robert B. Sothern
New York - Springer, ©2006
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Kouladis, Nicholas
Principles of law relating to international trade / Nicholas Kouladis
Heidelberg - Springer, (2006)
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Koulakiotis, Elias
Genese und Metamorphosen des Alexandermythos - im spiegel der griechischen nichthistoriographieschen Uberlieferung bis zum 3. Jh. n. Chr. / Elias Koulakiotis
Konstanz - UVK, 2006
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