Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2006 (5 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3278 di 4666       

Nazioni Unite - Department of economic and Social affairs - Statistical office
World statistics in brief / United Nations, Department of economic and social affairs statistical office
New York - United Nations statistical pocketbook, 1976-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Construction statistics yearbook / United Nations, Department of international economic and social affairs, Statistical office
New York - United Nations
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Demographic indicators of countries - estimates and projections as assessed in ... / Department of international economic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, 1982-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs
Population growth and policies in mega-cities / Department of international economic and social affairs
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Department of international economic and social affairs - Statistical office
Pratiques nationales en matiere d'etablissement et de diffusion des indices du commerce international - etude technique / Department des affaires economiques et sociales Division de statistique
New York - Nations Unies, 2006
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Dipartimento degli affari economici e sociali
The world's women 2005 - progress in statistics / Department of economic and social affairs
New York - United Nations, 2006
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific
Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific ... / United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
New York - United Nations Publications, 1948-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific
Transport and communications bulletin for Asia and the Pacific / Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific
New York - United Nations, 1976-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Asia and the Far East
Étude sur la situation économique de l'Asie et de l'Extrême-Orient en 1956 ?et? en 1957
New York - United Nations, 1959-
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East - Flood Con trol Bureau
Aménagement à fins multiples des bassins fluviaux
New York - Nations Unies, 1957-
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Europe - Inland transport committee
Recommendations on harmonized Europe-Wide technical requirements for inland navigation vessels - resolution n.61 / Economic commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2006
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Europe - Statistical division
Trends in Europe and North America ... - the statistical yearbook of the Economic commission for Europe / United Nations Economic commission for Europe
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 1995-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Economic commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
Economic survey of Latin America and the Caribbean / Economic commission for Latin America and the Carribean
Santiago - Nazioni Unite, 1982-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Nazioni Unite - Fondo per la popolazione
Lo stato della popolazione nel mondo 2006 - in movimento verso il futuro - donne e migrazione internazionale
Roma - Aidos, 2006
Testo Monografico

Nazioni Unite - General assembly
General assembly. Resolutions and decisions
New York - United Nations, 1980-
Pubblicazione Periodica