Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2007 (4 di 6)

Pagina nr. 3650 di 4666       

Butler, Israel de Jesus
Unravelling sovereignty - human rights actors and the structure of international law / Israel De Jesus Butler
Antwerp ; Oxford - Intersentia, (2007)
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Butler, Joseph
Opere ... / Joseph Butler ; a cura di A. Babolin
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Butler, Judith
Le recit de soi / Judith Butler ; traduit de l'anglais par Bruno Ambroise et Valérie Aucouturier
Paris - Presses Universitaires de France, 2007
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Butler, Judith (IEIV045562)
Who sings the nation-state - language, politics, belonging / Judith Butler, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
London (etc.) - Seagull books, ©2007
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Butler, Leslie
Critical Americans - Victorian intellectuals and transatlantic liberal reform / Leslie Butler
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina Press, c2007
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Butler, Ronald W.
Saddlepoint approximations with applications / Ronald W. Butler
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2007
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Butler, Sally A. L.
Mesopotamian conceptions of dreams and dream rituals / S. A. L. Butler
Münster - Ugarit-Verlag, 1998
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Butler, Tim
Understanding social inequality / Tim Butler and Paul Watt
London - SAGE Publications, c2007
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Butlin, Ron
No more angels - stories / by Ron Butlin ; (introduction by Ian Rankin)
London - Serpent's Tail, 2007
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Butor, Michel
5- Le genie du lieu 1 / Michel Butor
Paris - Editions de la Difference, 2007
Incluso in > Oeuvres completes de Michel Butor / sous la direction de Mireille Calle-Gruber
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Butor, Michel
6- Le génie du lieu 2 / Michel Butor
Paris - Éditions la Différence, 2007
Incluso in > Oeuvres completes de Michel Butor / sous la direction de Mireille Calle-Gruber
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Butor, Michel
Les vivants et les morts / Michel Butor
Belluno - Colophon, stampa 2007
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Butovskaja, M.L
Bredušcie sredi nas - nišcie v Rossii i stranah Evropy, istorija i sovremennost' / M.L. Butovskaja, I.Ju. D'jakonov, M.A. Vancatova
Moskva - Naucnyj mir, 2007
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Butt, Muhammad Ahsan
Gadeed Israil Ki Tarikh - riassat israil ki siasat, moeshat, tehzib wa saqafat ka maloomat afzansa icolopidia / tehqiq wa tasneef - Mohammad Ahsan Butt - Lahore - Darul Shaur, 2007
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Buttafuoco, Pietrangelo
Le uova del drago - una storia vera al teatro dei pupi / Pietrangelo Buttafuoco
Milano - Mondadori, 2007
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