Pagina nr. 722 di 1838 |
Fine chinese ceramics and works of art - Auction in London Wednesday 14 May 2008, 2.30 pm / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Fine chinese ceramics and works of art - Morning - Auction in London Wednesday 5 November 2008, 10 am / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Fine furniture & carpets including property from Newton Surmaville - Auction in London Wednesday5 March 2008, 10-00 AM / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Fine furniture & decorative arts including important 19th century furniture - Auction in London Wednesday 1 October 2008, 10.00 am / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Fine jewels - Auction in London Thursday 6 November 2008, 10.30 AM / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) A great British collection- the pictures collected by sir David and lady Scott, sold to benefit the Finnis Scott Foundation - auction in London, Wednesday 19 November 2008 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Greece and the levant a private library - Auction in London Thursday 13 november 2008, 10 AM / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Haute epoque - important early continental and english furniture & tapestries including three private collections - Auction in London Wednesday 29 October 2008, 10 AM / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Henri Matisse- Master printmaker works from a private european collection - Auction in London Tuesday 1 April 2008, 10 am / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Imperial and royal presents- Fabergé, Russian works of art and vertu including presents from HIH Maria Fedorovna, empress of Russia to her sister HRH Thyra, princess of Denmark, duchess of Cumberland, property of HRH Monika, princess of Hanover, countess Zu Solms-Laubach - Auction in London Monday 24 November 2008, 5 pm / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Important British drawings, watercolours and portrait miniatures - auction in London, Thursday 5 June 2008 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Important British paintings 1500-1850 - auction in London, Thursday 5 June 2008 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Important continental furniture & british and continental ceramics and clocks - Auction in London Tuesday 2 December 2008, 10 am / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Important continental furniture & british and continental ceramics and clocks - Auction in London Tuesday 8 July 2008, 10 am / Sotheby's London - Sothebt's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico Sotheby's (Londra) Important English furniture and silver - auction in London, Tuesday 18 November 2008 / Sotheby's London - Sotheby's, (2008 ) Testo Monografico |