Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2008 (6 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1566 di 1838       

Walker, Peter W. L.
Sui passi di san Paolo - guida illustrata ai viaggi dell'apostolo delle genti / Peter Walker
Leumann (TO) - Elledici ; Padova - Messaggero ; Gorle (BG) - Velar, 2008
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Walker, Richard
Il corpo umano - la macchina perfetta / Richard Walker
Milano - Mondadori, 2008
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Walker, Richard
Dr Frankenstein's human body book - the monstrous truth about how your body works / (Richard Walker)
London - Dorling Kindersley, c2008
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Walker, Rosemary
Diabete - le risposte a tutte le vostre domande / Rosemary Walker, Jill Rodgers
Milano - Tecniche nuove, (2008)
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Walker, Scott
til the band comes in / Scott Walker
Santa Monica - Universal Music, c2008
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Walkley, Geoffrey
Negotiating technical assistance agreements and technology licences / Geoffrey Walkley with Noel Byrne
London - Sweet & Maxwell, 1997
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Wall, Bernard
Italian life and landscape ...
London - Paul Elek, 1950- .
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Wall, Stephen
A stranger in Europe - Britain and EU from Thatcher to Blair / Stephen Wall
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2008
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Wall, Wendy
Inventing the 'American way'- the politics of Consensus from the New Deal to the civil rights movement / Wendy L. Wall
New York - Oxford university press, 2008
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Wall, Wendy L.
Inventing the 'American way' - the politics of consensus from the New Deal to the civil rights movement / Wendy L. Wall
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2008
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Wallace, B. Alan
La rivoluzione dell'attenzione - liberare il potere della mente concentrata / B. Alan Wallace
Roma - Ubaldini, (2008
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Wallace, Daniel
Big Fish / Daniel Wallace ; traduzione di Silvia Lalia
Milano - Il saggiatore, (2008)
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Wallace, Daniel
Elynora / Daniel Wallace ; traduzione e illustrazioni a cura di Daniela Tordi
Reggio Calabria - Falzea, (2008)
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Wallace, Daniel
Mr. Sebastian e l'ombra del diavolo / Daniel Wallace
Roma - Newton Compton, 2008
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Wallace, David Foster
Infinite jest / David Foster Wallace ; traduzione di Edoardo Nesi, con la collaborazione di Annalisa Villoresi e Grazia Giua
Torino - Einaudi, (2008)
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