Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2008 (6 di 6)

Pagina nr. 1709 di 1838       

Yanofsky, Noson S.
Quantum computing for computer scientists / Noson S. Yanofsky and Mirco A. Mannucci
Cambridge, NY etc. - Cambridge University press, 2008
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Yanushevsky, Rafael
Modern missile guidance / Rafael Yanushevsky
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC, ©2008
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Yanushkevich, Alexander
Alexander Yanushkevich
Mosca - TEPPA, 2008
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Yao, Hong
Il trattamento dell'obesità in medicina cinese / Yao Hong ; supervisione del Ministry of healt P. R. China ; edizione italiana a cura di Carlo Maria Giovanardi, Alfredo Vannacci
(Padova) - Piccin nuova libraria, (2008)

Yapp, Nick
100 giorni - le immagini dei 100 giorni che hanno cambiato la storia / Nick Yapp ; prefazione di Douglas Brinkley ; introduzione di Chris Johns
Vercelli - White Star, stampa 2008
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Yapp, Nick
Xenophobe's guide to the french / Nick Yapp, Michael Syrett
London - Oval Books, 2008
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Yaqut al-Rumi (m. 1229)
The Irshad al-arib ila ma'rifat al-adib or Dictionary of learned men of Yaqut / edited by D. S. Margoliouth
Leyden - E.J. Brill ; London - Luzac & Co., 1907-
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Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn
Un destino di sfida - (un'avventura del Conte Saint-Germain / Chelsea Quinn Yarbro ; traduzione di Flora Staglianò
Roma - Gargoyle, 2008
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Yarbrough, Robert W.
1-3 John / Robert W. Yarbrough
Grand Rapids (MI) - Baker Academic, 2008
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Yardeni, Myriam
Huguenots et Juifs / Myriam Yardeni
Paris - H. Champion, 2008
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Yardley, Cathy
Scrivere per vivere - il mestiere piu bello del mondo / Cathy Yardley ; traduzione di Nicoletta Retteghieri
Milano - Le fonti, 2008
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Yarger, Harry R.
Strategy and the national security professional - strategic thinking and strategy formulation in the 21st century / Harry R. Yarger
Westport, Conn. - Praeger Security International, 2008
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YARROW, Andrew L.
Forgive us our debts - the intergenerational dangers of fiscal irresponsibility / Andrew L. Yarrow
New Haven ; London - Yale University press, c2008
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Yarrow, Joanna
1001 modi per salvare il pianeta - idee pratiche per curare e cambiare il mondo / Joanna Yarrow
Roma - Cooper, 2008
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Yarrow, Peter
Puff, the magic dragon / Peter Yarrow, Lenny Lipton ; with paintings by Eric Puybaret
London- Macmillan children's books, 2008
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