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Contemporary issues in international arbitration and mediation - the Fordham papers 2010 / Arthur W. Rovine editor Leiden ; Boston - Nijhoff, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference of Italian archaeology (4. ; 1990 ; Londra) Papers of the fourth Conference of Italian Archaeology - held in the University of London, january 1990 London - Accordia research centre, 1991- Testo Monografico Conference of the Adriatic Forum (2. ; 2009 ; Trieste) Proceedings of the second Conference of the Adriatic Forum - construction and deconstruction of nationalism and regionalism- a long journey to Europe - Trieste, 1.-2. October 2009 / editor Maria Paola Pagnini Montpellier - Académie européenne de géopolitique, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference of the International Council of archaeozoology (10. ; 2006 ; Mexico City) Archaeomalacology revisited - non-dietary use of molluscs in archaeological settings - proceedings of the archaeomalacology sessions at the 10th ICAZ Conference, Mexico City, 2006 / edited by Canan Cakirlar Oxford ; Oakville - Oxbow Books, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (7. ; 2008 ; Avignon) La Papauté et les croisades - actes du 7. Congrès de la Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East - proceedings of the 7. Conference of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East / edited by Michel Balard Aldershot ; Burlington - Ashgate, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference on African linguistics (40. ; 2009 ; Urbana-Champaign (Ill.)) Selected proceedings of the 40. Annual conference on African linguistics - African languages and linguistics today / edited by Eyamba G. Bokamba, Ryan K. Shosted, and Bezza Tesfaw Ayalew Somerville (Mass.) - Cascadilla proceedings project, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference on computability in Europe (7. ; 2011 ; Sofia, Bulgaria) Models of computation in context - 7. Conference on computability in Europe, CiE 2011 - Sofia, Bulgaria, June 27-July 2, 2011 - proceedings / Benedikt Löwe ... (ed altri) (Eds.) Heidelberg (etc.) - Springer, ©2011 Testo Monografico Conference on fossil resources (9. ; 2011 ; Kemmerer, WY) Proceedings of the 9. Conference on fossil resources, (Kemmerer, WY, April 26-28, 2011) / edited by Tyra Olstad and Arwid K. Aase Provo, Utah - Brigham Young University, Dept. of Geology, 2011 Incluso in > Geology studies / Brigham Young University Testo Monografico Conference on function spaces (6. ; 2010 ; Edwardsville) Function spaces in modern analysis - 6. conference on function spaces, May 18-22, 2010, Southern Illinois university, Edwardsville / Krzysztof Jarosz editor Providence - American Mathematical Society, 2011 Testo Monografico Conference on international law (1966 ; Lagonissi) Conférence sur le droit international Lagonissi 3-8 avril 1966 - Rapports et travaux Genève - Centre européen de la dotation Carnegie pour la paix internationale, 1967- . Testo Monografico Conference on operator theory, analysis and mathematical physics (2008 ; Bedlewo, Polonia) Spectral theory and analysis - conference on operator theory, analysis and mathematical physics (OTAMP) 2008, Bedlewo, Poland / Jan Janas ... (ed altri) editors Basel - Birkhäuser, ©2011 Testo Monografico Conference on the clinical delineation of birth defects (2. ; 1969 ; Baltimora) Conference on The clinical delineation of birth defects - held at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, may 26-31 1969 - sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and the National Foundation March of Dimes / ed. Daniel Bergsma ; associated ed. Victor A. Mckusick ... ?ed altri? Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins Co., 1969- . Testo Monografico Conference Ruralia (8. ; 2009 ; Lorca) Processing, storage, distribution of food - food in the medieval rural environment / (scritti di Jorge A. Eiroa Rodríguez ... ed altri) Turnhout - Brepols, 2011 Testo Monografico Conferencia episcopal española La Iglesia Cato´lica en Espan~a - nomencla´tor 2011 / Conferencia Episcopal Espan~ola ; editado por Jesu´s Domi´nguez Rojas Madrid - Edice, 2011 Incluso in > La Iglesia Cato´lica en Espan~a - nomencla´tor ... / Conferencia Episcopal Espanola, Secretaria General ; Oficina de Estadistica y Sociologia de la Iglesia, ES Testo Monografico Conferenza del traffico e della circolazione (38. ; 1982 ; Stresa) Conferenza del traffico e della circolazione - Stresa, 14-15 ottobre 1982 / organizzata dall'Automobile club di Milano Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 1984 - Testo Monografico |