Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2012 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4465 di 4666       

Gut, Elisabetta
Elisabetta Gut - arabesques - con tredici tavole a colori
Livorno - Peccolo, 2010
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Gut, Till
Counsel misconduct before the International Criminal Court - professional responsibility in international criminal defence / Till Gut
Oxford ; Portland, OR - Hart, 2012
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Gutenberg Gesellschaft (Mainz)
Veröffentlichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft
Mainz - Verlag der Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, 1902-
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Gutenberg Museum (Mainz)
Exlibris-Katalog des Gutenberg-Museums
Wiesbaden - Verlag Claus Wittal, c1985-
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Gutenrath, Cid Jonas
110 - ein bulle hort zu / Cid Jonas Gutenrath ; aus der Notrufzentrale der Polizei
Berlin - Ullstein, 2012
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Guth, Stephan
Die Hauptsprachen der Islamischen Welt - Strukturen, Geschichte, Literaturen / Stephan Guth
Wiesbaden - Harrassowitz, 2012
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Guthrie, Allan
Dietro le sbarre / Allan Guthrie ; traduzione di Marco Piva Dittrich
Milano - Edizioni BD, 2012
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Guthrie, Nora
My name is New York - ramblin around Woody Guthries town / by Nora Guthrie and the Woody Guthrie Archives
Brooklyn (NY) - powerHouse Books, 2012
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Guthrie, Woody
Every 100 years - The Woody Guthrie Songbook - 100 years 100 songs / with additional collaborations by Jay Bennett (ed altri) - Centennial edition
New York - The Richmond Organization, 2012
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Gutierrez Aragon, Manuel
Gloria mi´a / Manuel Gutie´rrez Arago´n
Barcelona - Editorial Anagrama, 2012
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Gutierrez Baez, Celso
Musaceae / Celso Gutiérrez Báez y Miraya Burgos-Hernández
Xalapa - Instituto de ecología, 2012
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Gutiérrez Carou, Javier
La Guida de' forestieri di Vincenzo Coronelli- appunti per una storia delle guide di Venezia per viaggiatori / Javier Gutierrez Carou
Firenze - Olschki, 2012
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Gutiérrez Castaneda, Ana
Las penas privativas de derechos politicos y profesionales - bases para un nuevo modelo regulativo / Ana Gutiérrez Castaneda
Valencia - Tirant lo Blanch, 2012
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Gutiérrez, David
Geschichte des Augustinerordens
Rom - Historisches Institut des Augustinerordens, 1975- .
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Gutiérrez, David
History of the Order of St. Augustine / by David Gutiérrez O.S.A
Roma - Augustinian historical institute ; Villanova-Pennsylvania - Villanova university, 1979-
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