Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2012 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4592 di 4666       

Hoover, William Graham
Time reversibility, computer simulation, and chaos / William Graham Hoover, Carol Griswold Hoover
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Hopcke, Robert H.
La saggezza dei santi - le storie sacre che cambiano la nostra vita / Robert H. Hopcke ; traduzione di Carla Lazzari
Milano - Oscar Mondadori, 2012
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Hope, Beatrice
I sogni a volte si possono avverare... / Beatrice Hope
Torino - Seneca, 2012
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Hope, Jeremy
Beyond performance management - why, when, and how to use 40 tools and best practices for superior business performance / Jeremy Hope and Steve Player
Boston (MA, USA) - Harvard Business Review Press, 2012
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Hope, Kempe Ronald
The political economy of development in Kenya / Kempe Ronald Hope, Sr
New York ; London - Continuum, 2012
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Hopeless, Dennis
X-Men / (storia Dennis Hopeless, (matite Jamie McKelvie
(Modena - Marvel Italia - Panini, 2012
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Hopf, Helmuth
Lehrbuch der Musik / von Helmuth Hopf Hermann Rauhe Hildegard Krützfeld-Junker
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Hopf, Ted
Reconstructing the cold war - the early years, 1945-1958 / Ted Hopf
New York - Oxford University Press, 2012
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Hopfel, Frank
Wiener Kommentar zum Strafgesetzbuch / auf Grund der von Egmont Foregger und weiland Friedrich Nowakowki herausgegebenen Erstauflage
Wien - Manzsche, 1999-
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Hopfl, Hildebrand
Introductionis in sacros utriusque Testamenti libros compendium / auctore Hildebrando Hopfl
Ed. 6
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Hopgood, Adrian A.
Intelligent systems for engineers and scientists / Adrian A. Hopgood
Boca Raton - CRC Press, 2012
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Hopkin, David M.
Voices of the people in Nineteenth-Century France / David Hopkin
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2012
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Hopkins, Andrew
Baldassare Longhena and Venetian baroque architecture / Andrew Hopkins ; with photography by Alessandra Chemollo
New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, 2012
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Hopkins, Owen
Architettura - un dizionario visivo / Owen Hopkins
Modena - Logos, 2012
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Hopkins, Owen
Reading architecture - a visual lexicon / Owen Hopkins
London - Laurence King, 2012
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