Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2012 (4 di 5)

Pagina nr. 4598 di 4666       

Horowitz, David
Comment le peuple palestinien fut inventé / David Horowitz & Guy Milličre
Paris - David Reinharc, c2011
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Horowitz, David
The new Leviathan - how the left-wing money machine shapes American politics and threatens America's future / David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin
New York - Crown Forum, 2012
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Horowski, Leonhard
Die Belagerung des Thrones - Machtstrukturen und Karrieremechanismen am Hof von Frankreich 1661-1789 / Leonhard Horowski
Ostfildern - Jan Thorbeche, 2012
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Horošilova, Ol'ga Andreevna
Kostjum i moda Rossijskoj imperii - epoha Nikolaja 2. / O. A. Horošilova
Moskva - Eterna, 2012
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Horrocks, Dylan
Hicksville - un romanzo / di Dylan Horrocks ; traduzione di Omar Martini
Firenze - Black Velvet, 2012
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Horsley, Richard A.
The prophet Jesus and the renewal of Israel - moving beyond a diversionary debate / Richard Horsley
Grand Rapids ; Cambridge - Eerdmans, 2012
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Horspool, Margot
European Union Law / Margot Horspool, Matthew Humphreys
Oxford - Oxford University press, 2012
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Horst, Frank Carel Pieter - van der
John Bowlby - dalla psicoanalisi all'etologia / Frank C. P. van der Horst
Milano - Raffaello Cortina, 2012
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Horstmann, Cay S.
Scala for the impatient / Cay S. Horstmann ; (foreword by Martin Odersky)
Upper Saddle River (NJ) - Addison Wesley, 2012
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Horstmann, Francis Cecil
History of building - For use in junior building courses in secondary technical schools and for other types of secondary schools
London - Pitman, 1946- .
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Horten, Monica
The copyright enforcement enigma - Internet politics and the 'Telecoms Package' / Monica Horten
Basingstoke - Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
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Corso teorico-pratico di lingua ungherese - compendio di fonetica e morfologia per l'uso in laboratorio linguistico / Ildikň Hortobŕgyi
Roma - Universitŕ degli Studi 'La Sapienza', 1987-
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Horton, Wendell
Turbulent transport in magnetized plasmas / Wendell Horton
New Jersey etc. - World Scientific, c2012
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Horty, John F.
Reasons as defaults / John F. Horty
New York (etc.) - Oxford University Press, 2012
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Horvat, Joze
Navdih in besede - pisatelji in pisateljice s Tržaškega. 1. kniga / Jože Horvat
Trst - Mladika, 2012
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