Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
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Argomento: 2012 (5 di 5)

Pagina nr. 2662 di 3551       

Smith, Andrew B.
Part 9- Atelostomata, 2. Spatagoida (2) / A. B. Smith & C. W. Wright
London - Palaeontographical society, 2012
Incluso in > Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society
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Smith, Andrew B.
9- Atelostomata, 2. Spatangoida (2) / A. B. Smith & C. W. Wright
London - Palaeontographical society, 2012
Incluso in > British Cretaceous echinoids / A. B. Smith & C. W. Wright
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Smith, Anthony Neil
Yellow medicine / Anthony Neil Smith ; traduzione dall'inglese di Luca Conti
Bologna - Meridiano zero, 2012
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Smith, Bessie
Bessie Smith
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - HNH, c2003-
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Smith, Betty
Un albero cresce a Brooklin / Betty Smith ; traduzione di Giacomo Cicconardi
Milano, 1971
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Smith, Cecil L.
Distillation control - an engineering perspective / Cecil L. Smith
Hoboken - John Wiley & Sons, c2012
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Smith, Charles Anthony
The rise and fall of war crimes trials - from Charles I to Bush II / Charles Anthony Smith
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2012
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Smith, Claire S.
Pauline communities as 'scholastic communities' - a study of the vocabulary of 'teaching' in 1 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus / Claire S. Smith
Tu¨bingen - M. Siebeck, 2012
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Smith, Clete Barrett
Alieni in vacanza - romanzo / Clete Barrett Smith ; traduzione di Luca Tarenzi
Milano - Salani, 2012
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Smith, Craig
I custodi del talismano / Craig Smith
Roma - Newton Compton, 2012
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Smith, Daniel Lynwood
The rhetoric of interruption - speech-making, turn-taking, and rule-breaking in Luke-Acts and ancient Greek narrative / Daniel Lynwood Smith
Berlin - De Gruyter, 2012
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Smith, David Eugene (1860-1944)
Portraits of eminent Mathematicians - with biographical sketches. Portfolio 1. / by David Eugene Smith
New York - Scripta mathematica, 1946
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Smith, David J.
Ethnic diversity and the nation state - national cultural autonomy revisited / David J. Smith and John Hiden
London ; New York - Routledge, 2012
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Smith, David N. (archeologo)
Insects in the city - an archaeoentomological perspective on London’s past / David Smith
Oxford - Archaeopress, 2012
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Smith, Hollie
La piccola Bibbia della gravidanza - tutti i segreti che una mamma deve sapere per affrontare serenamente i nove mesi della gestazione / Hollie Smith
Milano - Armenia, 2012
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