Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 14 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Lisboa - Comissão nacional para as comemorações dos descobrimentos portugueses - Fundação Oriente - Imprensa nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1991, stampa 1992
Incluso in > Guia de fontes portuguesas para a historia de Africa / Instituto portugues de arquivos
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London - The Hakluyt society, 1992
Incluso in > Barbot on Guinea - the writings of Jean Barbot on West Africa, 1678-1712 / edited by P. E. H. Hair ... ed altri ; general editor P. E. H. Hai
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(Johannesburg) - A.P.I., 1992
Incluso in > Images of Africa in Italian literature and culture
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Liège - IUSSP, 1993
Incluso in > Women and demographic change in sub-Saharan Africa - based on the seminar organized by the IUSSP committee on gender and population and ORSTOM - Dakar, 3-6 March 1993 - papers communications
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Roslyn, NY - Ellipsis arts, (1994)
Incluso in > Africa - never stand still / producer Brooke Wentz
Registrazione audio

Copenhagen - The Carlsberg foundation and the Danish research council for the humanities, 1995
Incluso in > Africa proconsularis - regional studies in the Segermes Valley of Northern Tunisia / edited by Soren Dietz, Laila Ladjimi Sebai, Habib Ben Hassen
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Padova - SGE, 1997
Incluso in > Proceedings of the 2nd European & African conference on wind engineering - 2 EACWE - Palazzo ducale, Genova, Italy, June 22-26, 1997 / edited by Giovanni Solari
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New York - Charles Scribner's sons ; London (etc.) - Simon & Schuster Prentice Hall international, c1997
Incluso in > African writers / C. Brian Cox, editor
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New York - Charles Scribner's sons, c1997
Incluso in > Encyclopedia of Africa south of the Sahara / John Middleton, editor in chief
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Winona Lake - Eisenbrauns, 1997
Incluso in > Phonologies of Asia and Africa - (including the Caucasus) / edited by Alan S. Kaye ; technical advisor Peter T. Daniels
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Cape Town - Truth & reconciliation commission, 1998
Incluso in > Truth and reconciliation commission of South Africa report
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Parklands - NACA, 1998
Incluso in > The interface between developing and developed countries - papers of the 11th World clean air and environment congress, Durban, South Africa 14 to 18 September 1998 / International union of air pol...
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Sassari - EDES, 1998
Incluso in > L' Africa romana - atti del 12. Convegno di studio - Olbia, 12-15 dicembre 1996 / a cura di Mustapha Khanoussi, Paola Ruggeri e Cinzia Vismara
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Paris - Editions de l'IRD, Institut de recherche pour le developpment, 1999
Incluso in > Rivieres du Sud - societes et mangroves ouest-africaines / Marie-Christine Cormier-Salem, editeur scientifique
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Washington - Smithsonian, National museum of African art, ©1999
Incluso in > Selected works from the collection of the National museum of African art
Testo Monografico