Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 685 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Law in colonial Africa / edited by Kristin Mann, Richard Roberts
Porstmouth - Heinemann ; London - J. Currey, 1991
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The law of persons in South Africa / editor Hanneretha Kruger ... (ed altri)
Cape Town(etc.) - Oxford university press, c2010
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The law of South Africa / W. A. Joubert founding editor ; T. J. Scott editor
Durban - Butterworths
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The law of South Africa. Cumulative supplement
Durban .etc. - Butterworths
Pubblicazione Periodica

The law of South Africa. First reissue / W. A. Joubert founding editor
Durban - Butterwoths
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Law under stress - South African law in the 1980s - first published as Acta Juridica 1987 / editorial board, T.W. Bennett ... (ed altri)
Cape Town - Juta, 1988
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Law, culture, tradition and childrens rights in Eastern and Southern Africa / edited by Welshman Ncube
Aldershot (etc.) - Ashgate - Dartmouth, c1998
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Law, memory and the legacy of apartheid- ten years after AZAPO v President of South Africa / Wessel le Roux and Karin van Marle (editors)
Pretoria - Pretoria University Law Press, 2007
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Law, nation-building & transformation - the South African experience in perspective / Catherine Jenkins, Max du Plessis (eds.)
Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland - Intersentia, 2014
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Lawyers and good governance in Africa
Incluso in > West Africa
Testo a stampa

Lay People must be empowered
Incluso in > Idoc dossier - Africa facing Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation / International Documentation and Communication Centre
Testo a stampa

Lead seminar - Johannesburg, 8-9 june 1973 / South african medical research council ; in collaboration with the South african occupational health society ; through the medium of the National research institute for occupational diseases
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1973
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The leadership challenge in Africa - Cameroon under Paul Biya / edited by John Mukum Mbaku and Joseph Takougang
Trenton ; Asmara - Africa World press, (2004)
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The leadership challenge of economic reforms in Africa / edited by Olusegun Obasanjo and Hans d'Orville
New York etc. - Crane Russak, c1991
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Leadership civil society and democratisation in Africa - case studies from Eastern Africa / edited by Abdalla Bujra, Said Adejumobi
Addis Ababa - Development policy management forum, 2002
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