Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 962 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Sharing Talents and Resources - an African experience of Promoting Solidarity in the Community / Ans van Keulen ... °ed altri
Nairobi - Paulines, 2005
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The shattered illusion - African students in communist countries / introduction by Max Yergan
New York - American Afro-Asian educational exchange, 196.
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Shattered lives - sexual violence during the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath / Human Rights Watch Africa, Human Rights Watch Womens Rights Project, Federation internationale des ligues des droits de l'homme ; °Binaifer Nowrojee
New York °etc. - Human Rights Watch, c1996
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Shebeens take a bow - a celebration of South Africas shebeen lifestyle / compiled and edited by Jim Bailey and Adam Seftel
Johannesburg - Baileys African history archives, 1994
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Sheep and goat meat production in the humid tropics of West Africa - proceedings of a seminar held in Yamoussoukro, Cote d'Ivoire 21-25 September 1987 / technical editors V. M. Timon, R. P. Baber
Rome - Food and agriculture organization of the Unired Nations, 1989
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Sheep and goats in humid West Africa - proceedings of the workshop on small ruminant production systems in the humid zone of West Africa, held in Ibadan, Nigeria, 23-26 January 1984 / edited by J. E. Sumberg and K. Cassaday
Addis Ababa - International livestock centre for Africa, 1985
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Shell out of South Africa - international information bulletin / Komitee Schell uit Zuid Afrika
Amsterdam - (s.n.)
Pubblicazione Periodica

Shelter co-operatives in Eastern and Southern Africa - contributions of the co-operative sector to shelter development
nairobi - United Nations centre for human settlements (Habitat), 2001
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Shelter in Africa / edited by Paul Oliver
London - Barrie & Jenkins Ltd, ©1971
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Shifting african identities / editors- Simon Bekker, Martine Dodds, Meshack M. Khosa
Pretoria - Human Sciences Research Council, 2001
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Shifting cultivation and soil conservation in Africa - papers presented at the FAO-SIDA-ARCN Regional Seminar on Shifting Cultivation and Soil Conservation in Africa, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2-21 July, 1973
Roma - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1974
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Shifting ground and cultured bodies - postcolonial gender relations in Africa and India / edited by Karen Armstrong
Lanham - University Press of America, 1999
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Shona customs - essays by African writers / edited by Clive and Peggy Kileff ; illustrations by E. Lee
Gweru (etc) - Mambo ; in association with Literature Bureau
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The short century - independence and liberation movements in Africa, 1945-1994 / edited by Okwui Enwezor ; with essays by Chinua Achebe ... ed altri
Munich etc. - Prestel, 2001
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Short east african plays in english - ten plays in english / collected and introduced by David Cook and Miles Lee
Nairobi ; London - Heinemann, 1968
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