seguito Africa
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Alciato, Armando
Gioventù stellette e dolori - Nord Africa novembre 1942-aprile 1946 / Armando Alciato
Borgosesia - Valsesia, stampa 1991
Testo Monografico
Alden, Chris
Apartheids last stand - the rise and fall of the South African security state / Chris Alden
Basingstoke ; London - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martin's press, 1996
Testo Monografico
Alden, Chris
Camarades, parias et hommes d'affaires- mise en perspective des relations entre l'Afrique du Sud et la Chine / Chris Alden et Garth Shelton
Incluso in > Politique africaine
Testo a stampa
Alden, Chris
China in Africa / Chris Alden
London ; New York - Zed books ; Cape Town - David Philip, in association with International African Institute, Royal African Society, Social Science Research Council, 2007
Testo Monografico
Alden, Chris
Delineando il futuro della Cina in Africa / Chris Alden
Incluso in > Afriche e orienti - rivista di studi ai confini tra Africa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
Testo a stampa
Alden, Chris
History & identity in the construction of China's Africa policy / Chris Alden & Ana Cristina Alves
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
Testo a stampa
Alden, Chris
Mozambique and the construction of the new African state - from negotiations to nation building / Chris Alden
Basingstoke (etc. - Palgrave, 2001
Testo Monografico
Alden, Chris
Mozambique- a delicate peace / by Chris Alden and Mark Simpson
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Alden, Chris
South Africa's economic relations with Africa- hegemony and its discontents / Chris Alden and Mills Soko
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
Testo a stampa
Alden, Chris
South Africa's post-apartheid foreign policy- from reconciliation to ambiguity? / Chris Alden & Garth le Pere
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
Testo a stampa
Alden, Chris
The UN and the resolution of conflict in Mozambique / by Chris Alden
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
Testo a stampa
Alden, Peter C.
National Audubon Society field guide to African wildlife / Peter C. Alden ... (ed altri)
New York - Knopf (etc.), 1995
Testo Monografico
Aldhous, Peter
Camerun, curarsi con le erbe / Peter Aldhous ; traduzione di Bruna Tortorella
Incluso in > Altre Afriche - le voci di un continente - articoli da- Le calame ...
Testo a stampa
Aldrete, Bernardo Josè (1565-1645)
Varias antiguedades de España Africa y otras prouincias por el doctor Bernardo Aldrete canonigo ..
En Amberes - a costa de Iuan Hasrey, 1614 (Antuerpiae - typis Gerardi Wolsschatii, et Henrici Aertsii, 1614)
Testo Monografico
Aldrick, Judith
An ethiopian escapade / Judith Aldrick
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
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