Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 1731 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Boorman, John (entomologo)
West African Insects / John Boorman
Harlow - Longman, 1981
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Booth, Alan R.
Swaziland - tradition and change in a southern African kingdom / Alan R. Booth
Boulder, Colo. - Westview Press ; Hampshire, England - Gower, 1983
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Booth, Angus H.
Small mammals of West Africa / A. H. Booth ; illustrated by Clifford Lees
London - Longmans, 1960
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Booth, Douglas
Mandela and Amabokoboko- the political and linguistic nationalisation of South Africa? / by Douglas Booth
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Booth, Douglas
The race game - sport and politics in South Africa / Douglas Booth
London ; Portland - F. Cass, 1998
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Booth, F. E. M.
Non-timber uses of selected arid zone trees and shrubs in Africa / by F. E. M. Booth and G. E. Wickens
Rome - FAO, 1988
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Booth, James
Myth, metaphor, and syntax in Soyinka's poetry / James Booth
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
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Booth, Ken
A security regime in Southern Africa - theoretical considerations / by Ken Booth
Bellville - Centre for Southern African Studies, University of the Western Cape, 1994
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Booth, Newell S. (Jr.)
Esempio 9- Religioni africane / Newell S. Booth
Incluso in > Le religioni del mondo
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Booth, Richard
The armed forces of african states, 1970 / by Richard Booth ; with an introduction by William Gutteridge
London - International Institute for Strategic Studies, 1970
Incluso in > Adelphi papers
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Booysen, Susan
The African National congress and the regeneration of political power / Susan Booysen
Johannesburg - Wits University Press, 2011
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Bop, Codou
Après Pékin, quelle coopération internationale en Afrique? / Codou Bop
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Boratav, P.N.
Les noirs dans le folklore turc et le folklore des noirs de Turquie (Notes) / par P.N. Boratav
Incluso in > Journal de la Societe des africanistes
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Borchardt, Paul
Bibliographie de l'Angola - (bibliotheca angolensis), 1500-1910 / Paul Borchardt
Bruxelles - Misch et Thron, pref. 1912
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Borchert, Peter
This is South Africa / Peter Borchert
Cape Town - Struik, 1993
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