seguito Africa
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Igue, O.J.
L' officiel, le parallèle et le clandestin. Commerces et intégration en Afrique de l'Ouest / O.J. Igue
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Igwebe, Emeka Benny
Ecowas. Tide of regionalism / Emeka Benny Igwebe
Incluso in > West Africa
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Iheakaram, Paul O.
John Pepper Clark and Stephen Crane- an investigation of source and influence / Paul O. Iheakaram
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
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Iheduru, Okechukwu C.
Black economic power and nation-building in post-apartheid South Africa / Okechukwu C. Iheduru
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Iheduru, Okechukwu C.
Post-apartheid South Africa and its neighbours- a maritime transport perspective / by Okechukwu C. Iheduru
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Iheduru, Okechukwu C.
The state and maritime nationalism in Côte d'Ivoire / by Okechukwu C. Iheduru
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Ihle, Rico
Measuring the integration of staple food markets in Sub-Saharan Africa- heterogeneous infrastructure and cross border trade in the East African community / Rico Ihle, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Sergiy Zorya
Munich - CESifo, 2011
Testo Monografico
Ihom, Cletus
The significance of the cyclical technique in the novels of Mongo Beti / Cletus Ihom
Incluso in > Themes in african literature in French - a collection of essays / edited by Sam Ade Ojo and Olusola Oke
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Ihonvbere, Julius Omozuanvbo
Africa and the new world order / Julius O. Ihonvbere
New York etc. - Lang, c2000
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Ihonvbere, Julius Omozuanvbo
Are things falling apart The military and the crisis of democratisation in Nigeria / by Julius O. Ihonvbere
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Ijalaye, David Adedayo
Indigenization measures and multinational corporations in Africa / by David Adedayo Ijalaye . Maritime boundary / by S. P. Jagota . The problem of Namibia in international law / by Ralph Zacklin . Problemès internationaux contemporains des brevets d'invention / par Jean Foyer
The Hague (etc.) - Nijhoff, 1982
Incluso in > Recueil des cours / Academie de droit international
Testo Monografico
Ijatuyi-Morphe, Randee
Africas social and religious quest - a comprehensive survey and analysis of the african situation / Randee Ijatuyi-Morphe
Lanham, Maryland - University Press of America, 2014
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Ijere, M.O.
The nigerian experience / M.O. Ijere
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Ijere, Muriel
Victime et bourreau- l'Africain de Sembène Ousmane / Muriel Ijere
Incluso in > Peuples noirs - Peuples africains - directeur Mongo Beti
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Ijsselstijn, D. Alexander
Etude sur le regime monetaire et bancaire de l'Afrique du Sud jusqu'a la creation d'une banque centrale de reserve en 1921 - these presentee a la faculte de droit de l'Universite de Neuchatel (section des sciences commerciales) pour obtenir le grade de docteur es sciences commerciales et economiques / par D. Alexander Ijsselstijn
Paris - Libr. generale de droit & de jurisprudence, 1925
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