Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 3169 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Jansen, Hanna
Ti seguirò oltre mille colline - un'infanzia africana ; traduzione di Dario Leccacorvi
(Milano) - Fabbri, stampa 2005
Testo Monografico

Jansen, Jan
Education arithmétique sous forme d'apprentissage. La géomancie dans les Monts Mandingues / Jan Jansen
Incluso in > Cahiers d'etudes africaines
Testo a stampa

Jansen, Jan
Elle connaît tout le Mande- a tribute to the griotte Siramori Diabate / Jan Jansen
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
Testo a stampa

Jansen, Jan
Framing divination- a Mande divination expert and the occult economy / Jan Jansen
Incluso in > Africa - journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures
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Jansen, Jan
Les griots de Kéla- des paroles qu'on devrait entendre / par Jan Jansen ; traduit par Peter Bryant
Incluso in > Africultures - La lettre des musiques et des arts africains
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Jansen, Jan
The Sunjata epic- the ultimate version / Jan Jansen
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
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Jansen, Jan
The younger brother and the stranger. In search of a status discourse for Mande / Jan Jansen
Incluso in > Cahiers d'etudes africaines
Testo a stampa

Jansen, Pietro Gerardo
Guida alla conoscenza dei dialetti de l'Africa Orientale / Pietro Gerardo Jansen
Milano - Ed. Le Lingue Estere, 1936 (Tip. P. Agnelli di A. Protti)
Testo Monografico

Jansen, Pietro Gerardo
Guida alla conoscenza dei dialetti de l'Africa Orientale / Pietro Gerardo Jansen
Milano - Le Lingue Estere, 1936
Testo Monografico

Jansen, Pietro Gerardo
Guida alla conoscenza dei dialetti dell'Africa orientale / Pietro Gerardo Jansen
Pavia - Biblioteca universitaria, stampa 2009
Monografia elettronica

Janson, Marloes
Gai Sakiliba- protrait d'une jalimusoo de Gambie / par Marloes Janson ; traduit par Peter Bryant
Incluso in > Africultures - La lettre des musiques et des arts africains
Testo a stampa

Janson, Marloes
Renegotiating gender- changing moral practice in the Tablighi Jama'at in the Gambia / Marloes Janson
Incluso in > Islam in Africa south of the Sahara - essays in gender relations and political reform / Pade Badru and Brigid Maa Sackey
Testo a stampa

Janson, Marloes
Roaming about for God's sake- the upsurge of the Tabligh Jama'at in the Gambia / by Marloes Janson
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
Testo a stampa

Janssen, Maria Elisabeth
Intraplate deformation in Africa as a consequence of plate boundary changes - inference from subsidence analysis and tectonic modelling of the Early and Middle Cretaceous period - academisch proefschrift ter verkrijging van de graad van doktor aan de Vriije Univrsiteit te Amsterdam (...) 4 april 1996 / Maria Elisabeth Janssen
(Amsterdam - Netherlands Research School of Sedimentary Geology NSG, 1996)
Testo Monografico

Jansson, Jan (1588-1664)
8- Joannis Janssonii Atlantis majoris, sive Cosmographiae universalis. Tomus octavus, quo continetur Hispania, ut & Asia, Africa & America
Amstelodami - apud Ioannem Ianssonium, (165-?)
Incluso in > Atlas Major, sive Cosmographia universalis, adeoque orbis terrestris, maritimis, antiquis & coelestis in undecim tomos distincta
Testo Monografico