seguito Africa
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Jeef, Arthur
France-Afrique- Nucci a-t-il couvert des détournements de fonds? / Arthur Jeef
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Jeffery, Anthea
The truth about the Truth commission / by Anthea Jeffery ; with a foreword by John Kane-Berman
Johannesburg - South African institute of race relations, 1999
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Jeffries, Richard
Ghana's PNDC regime- a provisional assessment / Richard Jeffries
Incluso in > Africa - journal of the International institute of African languages and cultures
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Jeffries, Richard
Ghana- Jerry Rawlings ou un populisme ŕ deux coups ... / R. Jeffries
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Jeffries, Richard
Moins d'état et plus de marché. Sur une analyse des politiques agricoles en Afrique / J. Jeffries
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Jegede, Dele
Encyclopedia of African American artists / Dele Jegede
Westport ; London - Greenwood Press, 2009
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Jegede, Dele
Popular culture and popular music- the nigerian experience / Dele Jegede
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Jehu-Appiah, Jerisdan H.
The African indigenous Churches and the quest for an appropriate theology for the new millennium / Jerisdan H. Jehu-Appiah
Incluso in > International review of mission / publ. by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches
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Jeldres, Julio A.
China's growing influence in Cambodia / Julio A. Jeldres
Incluso in > Africana miscellanea di studi extraeuropei / Associazione di studi extraeuropei ESA
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Jelinek, Jan
Some ideas on the possibilities and traps of the Saharan rock art chronology / Jan Jelínek
Incluso in > L' arte e l'ambiente del Sahara preistorico- dati e interpretazioni - atti del convegno organizzato dal Centro studi archeologia africana e dal Museo Civico di storia naturale di Milano, Milano 24-2...
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Jelinek, Josef
An interesting species-group Epuraea from Africa and Madagascar (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) / Josef Jelínek
Praha - (s.n. , 1967
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Jembere, Aberra
An introduction to the legal history of Ethiopia - 1434-1974 / Aberra Jembere
Münster - LIT, 2000
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Jemmy, Olivier
Démocratie. La politique, le sport favori / Olivier Jemmy
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Jendoubi, Moncef
Vers un statut du chercheur africain / par Moncef Jendoubi
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Jeng, Abou
Peacebuilding in the African Union - law, philosophy and practice / Abou Jeng
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 2012
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