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Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 4677 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Schnitzer, Eduard Carl Oscar Theodor
Emin Pasha in central Africa - being a collection of his letters and journals / edited and annotated by G. Schweinfurth ... (ed altri ; translated by R. W. Felkin
London - G. Philip & son, 1888
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Schoelcher, Victor
Abolition de l'esclavage - examen critique du préjugé contre la couleur des africains et de sang-mêlés / par V. Schoelcher
Paris - Pagnerre, 1840
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Schoelcher, Victor
Per l'abolizione della schiavitù - esame critico del pregiudizio razziale / Victor Schoelcher ; a cura di Marco Sioli
Como (etc. - Ibis, 2006
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Schoeman, Elna
Economic interdependence in Southern Africa 1961-1989 - a select and annotated bibliography / compiled by Elna Schoeman
Johannesburg - South African institute of international affairs, 1990
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Schoeman, Elna
Mandela's five years of freedom - South African politics, economics and social issues, 1990-1995 - a select and annotated bibliography / compiled by Elna Schoeman, Jacqueline A. Kalley and Naomi Musiker
Johannesburg - South African institute of international affairs, 1996
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Schoeman, Elna
South Africa and the United Nations - a select and annotated bibliography / compiled by Elna Schoeman
Braamfontein - South African institute of international affairs, 1981
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Schoeman, Karel
Olive Schreiner - a woman in South Africa, 1855-1881 / Karel Schoeman
Johannesburg - J. Ball Publishers, 1991
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Schoenbrun, David Lee
Early history in eastern Africa's great lakes region - linguistic, ecological and archeological approach - ca. 500 B. C. to ca. A. D. 1000 / by David Lee Schoenbrun
Ann Arbor - UMI, stampa 1995
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Schoenbrun, David Lee
We are what we eat- ancient agriculture between the great Lakes / by David L. Schoenbrun
Incluso in > The Journal of African history
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Schoener, Reinhold
Peinture grecque ancienne a l'encaustique sur ardoise representant la reine Cleopatre se donnant la mort au moyen du serpent african le "Naja" - decouverte en 1818 dans une Cella du Temple du Dieu Egyptien Serapys (ruines de la Villa de l'Empereur Adrien, sous Tivoli, province de Rome) / (R. Schoener)
Paris - Imprimerie Jules Delorme, 1889
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Schoepf, Brooke Grundfest
Faire face au Sida- une situation nouvelle pour la jeunesse africaine / Brooke G. Schoepf
Incluso in > 1- Evolution et role 19.-20. siecles / Helene d'Almeida-Topor ... (ed altri) (eds
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Schoepf, Brooke Grundfest
Mobutu's disease- a social history of AIDS in Kinshasa / Brooke Grundfest Schoepf
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Schoepf, Brooke Grundfest
Uganda- lessons for AIDS control in Africa / Brooke Grundfest Schoepf
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Schoffeleers, Matthew
The AIDS pandemic, the prophet Bily Chisupe, and the democratization process in Malawi / by Matthew Schoffeleers
Incluso in > Journal of religion in Africa
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Schoonwinkel, A.
Opportunities in satellite based earth observation for sustainable development in Southern Africa / A. Schoonwinkel, G. W. Milne and S. Mostert
(Paris - International Astronautical Federation), 2002
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