seguito Africa
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Shelton, Austin S.
The problem of griot interpretation and the actual causes of war in Sondjata / Austin S. Shelton
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Shemeikka, Riikka
La realizzazione di progetti di assistenza sanitaria su base comunitaria. Il caso del progetto "Community based system in HIV treatment" in Africa orientale e australe / Riikka Shemeikka, Veijo Notkola ; traduzione dall'inglese di Davide Chinigò
Incluso in > Afriche e orienti - rivista di studi ai confini tra Africa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
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Shen, Simon
A constructed (un)reality on China's re-entry into Africa- the chinese online community percpetion of Africa (2006-2008) / Simon Shen
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
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Shenga, Carlos
Elezioni del 2009 in Mozambico- la trasparenza è nel cuore della critica / Carlos Shenga
Incluso in > Afriche e orienti - rivista di studi ai confini tra Africa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
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Shepard, Robert B.
Nigeria, Africa and the United States - from Kennedy to Reagan / Robert B. Shepard
Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana University press, c 1991
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Shepherd, Andrew W.
Export crop liberalization in Africa - a review / by Andrew W. Shepherd and Stefano Farolfi
Rome - Fao, 1999
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Shepherd, George W.
Anti-apartheid - transnational conflict and Western policy in the liberation of South Africa / George W. Shepherd, Jr
Westport, Conn. - Greenwood press, 1977
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Shepherd, George W.
The politics of african nationalism - challenge to american policy / George W. Shepherd
New York - Frederick A. Praeger, c1962
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Shepherd, George W. (jr.)
Nonaligned Black Africa / George W. Shepherd, Jr
Lexington (Massachusetts) - Heath Lexington Books, 1970
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Shepherd, Gill
Managing Africa's Tropical dry forests - a review of indigenous methods / Gill Shepherd
London - Overseas Development Institute, 1992
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Shepherd, Nick
Il corpo politico. La differenza contestata nel Tshwaragano/In Touch integrated fance project / di Nick Shepherd e Nicola Visser
Incluso in > Africa e Mediterraneo - trimestrale Iscos di cultura, politica, economia, societa
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Shepherd, Robert Henry Wishart
African contrasts - the story of a South African people / by R. H. W. Shepherd and B. G. Paver
Cape Town - Oxford University press, 1947
Testo Monografico
Shepler, Susan
Les filles-soldats- trajectoires d'après-guerre en Sierra Leone / Susan Shepler
Incluso in > Politique africaine
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Shepler, Susan
Youth music and politics in post-war Sierra Leone / Susan Shepler
Incluso in > The Journal of modern African studies
Testo a stampa
Shepp, Archie
Archie Shepp - free, Africa e impegno
Novara - De Agostini, 2004
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