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Argomento: Africa

Pagina nr. 4789 di 6756       

seguito Africa [pagina inizio voce]

Simeoni, Paola Elisabetta
Forme di divinazione in Costa d'Avorio / Paola Elisabetta Simeoni
Incluso in > SMA / Societa delle missioni africane
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Simionato, Antonia
L' Africa esiste - lettere agli amici / Antonia Simionato ; a cura di Serena Barbero
Nervesa della Battaglia - Meneghetti, 2009
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Simiyu, Vincent G.
Land and politics in Ukambani from the end of the 19th century up to 1933 / Vincent Simiyu
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Simiyu, Vincent G.
Traditional methods of education in East Africa / Vincent G. Simiyu
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Simmons, Briana B.
Christian chromolithographs in Ethiopia / Briana B. Simmons
Incluso in > African arts
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Simmons, Edith
Ethiopie- Mohammed, Zewde, Aster les autres / par Edith Simmons
Incluso in > Jeune Afrique - l'hebdomadaire du monde nouveau / edite par la Societe africaine de presse
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Simmons, Jack
Livingstone and Africa / by Jack Simmons
London - English universities press, 1955
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Simmons, Ruth
La pertinence de la poésie de David Diop pour les jeunes noirs aux Etats-Unis / Ruth Simmons
Incluso in > Presence africaine - revue culturelle du monde noir
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Simmons, W.S.
The supernatural world of the Badyaranké of Tonghia (Senegal) / par W.S. Simmons
Incluso in > Journal de la Societe des africanistes
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Simms, Ruth P.
Urbanization in West Africa - a review of current literature / Ruth P. Simms
Envaston - Northwestern University press, 1965
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Simola, Raisa
Memorie della schiavitù in Benin / Raisa Simola
Incluso in > Afriche e orienti - rivista di studi ai confini tra Africa, Mediterraneo e Medio Oriente
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Simon, André Louis
South Africa / Andre L. Simon
London - The Wine and Food Society, 1950
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Simon, David
Angola- the peace is not yet fully won / David Simon
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Simon, David
The bitter harvest of war- continuing social & humanitarian dislocation in Angola / David Simon
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Simon, David
Cities, capital and development - African cities in the world economy / David Simon
London - Belhaven Press ; co-published in the Americas by Halsted Press, 1992
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