seguito African - Africano
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Wylie, Hal
We have a great future in the cultivation of African literature - 2004 presidential inaugural address / Hal Wylie
Incluso in > African Literature Association- ALA Bulletin - A Publication of the African Literature Association / African Literature Association
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Wymeersch, Patrick
Comprendre les symboles- aspects du symbolisme africain (2. parte) / par Patrick Wymeersch
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
Testo a stampa
Wymeersch, Patrick
Comprendre les symboles- aspects du symbolisme africain / par Patrick Wymeersch
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
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Wymeersch, Patrick
Les Luba du Shaba et leur cycle de vie / par Patrick Wymeersch
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
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Wymeersch, Patrick
Married lif among the Bin Kanyok of the urban area of Lubumbashi (Zaire) / Patrick Wemeersch
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
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Wymeersch, Patrick
Le problème du mal chez le Muntu (Considérations sur la mort et la protection contre les maléfices chez les Luwa, Bemba et Suku) / par Patrick Wymeersch
Incluso in > Africa - rivista trimestrale di studi e documentazione dell'Istituto italo-africano
Testo a stampa
Wynn, Neil A.
The African American experience during world war 2. / Neil A. Wynn
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, 2011
Testo Monografico
Währisch-Oblau, Claudia
God can make us healthy through and through - On prayers for the sick and the interpretation of healing experiences in Christian Churches in China and African immigrant congregations in Germany / Claudia Währisch-Oblau
Incluso in > International review of mission / publ. by the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches
Testo a stampa
Orfeo africano - romanzo / Werewere Liking ; versione italiana a cura di Luciana T. Soliman
Torino - L'harmattan Italia, 1996
Testo Monografico
Statuettes peintes d'Afrique de l'Ouest - Statues colons / par Werewere-Liking ; photographies de Georges Courrèges
Paris - NEA-ARHIS, (198.)
Testo Monografico
Xenakis, Iannis
Okho - pour trois djembés et une peau africane de grande taille / Iannis Xenakis
Paris - Salabert, c1989
Musica (stampa)
Xirinacs, Olga
La mostela africana - i altres contes / Olga Xirinacs
Barcelona - Destino, 1985
Testo Monografico
Xu, Xiuli
China's agricultural and rural development- lessons for african countries / Xiuli Xu and Xiaoyun Li
Incluso in > Agricultural development and food security in Africa - the impact of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian investments / edited by Fantu Cheru and Renu Modi
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Ya'u, Y.Z.
The new imperialism & Africa in the global electronic village / Y.Z. Ya'u
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Yacine, Tassadit
Is a genealogy of violence possible / Tassadit Yacine
Incluso in > Research in African literatures
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