Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Il continente Africano ed Asiatico

Pagina nr. 22
1-40- 80-120- 160-200- 240-280- 320-360- 400-440- 480-520- 560-600- 640


segue AFRICA

African philosophy as cultural inquiry / edited by Ivan Karp and D. A. Masolo
Bloomington (etc.) - published in association with the International African institute, London (by) Indiana university press, c2000
Saggio Monografico

African political systems / ed. by M. Fortes, E.E. Evans-Pritchard ; publ. for the International African institute
London etc. - Oxford University press, 1958
Saggio Monografico

African political systems / edited by M. Fortes and E. E. Evans Pritchard
London - Oxford university press, stampa 1969
Saggio Monografico

African sacred groves - ecological dynamics & social change / edited by Michael J. Sheridan & Celia Nyamweru
Oxford - James Currey ; Athens, OH - Ohio University press ; Pretoria - Unisa press, c2008
Saggio Monografico

African social studies - a radical reader / edited by Peter C.W. Gutkind and Peter Waterman
London - Heinemann, 1977
Saggio Monografico

African socialism / edited by William H. Friedland, Carl G. Rosberg, Jr
(Stanford) - published for the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace by Stanford University Press, c1964
Saggio Monografico

African socioeconomic indicators / United nations, Economic commission for Africa
Addis Ababa - United nations, Economic commission for Africa
Pubblicazione Periodica

The African state at a critical juncture - between disintegration and reconfiguration / edited by Leonardo A. Villalon, Phillip A. Huxtable
Boulder ; London - L. Rienner, 1998
Saggio Monografico

African statistical yearbook / Economic commission for Africa
New York - United Nations
Pubblicazione Periodica

African studies
Baltimore - Nisc.
Pubblicazione Elettronica Periodica

African systems of kinship and marriage / edited by A.R. Radcliffe-Brown and Daryll Forde
London - Oxford university press, 1970
Saggio Monografico

African systems of kinship and marriage / edited by A. R. Radcliffe-Brown and Daryll Forde
London and New York - KPI in association with the International African Institut, c1987
Saggio Monografico

African telephone card catologue / written by Peter Snow and assisted by Andrew Murray
Milano - M & V cards, (1999)-
Pubblicazione Periodica

African theatre in development / editors Martin Banham, James Gibbs & Femi Osofisan ; reviews editor Jane Plastow
Oxford - J. Currey, 1999
Saggio Monografico

African traditional religion in South Africa - an annotated bibliography / David Chidester ... (ed altri)
Westport ; London, 1997
Saggio Monografico

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