segue AFRICA
6- Central and southern Africa / volume editor Udo Kultermann
Wien ; New York, c2000
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A century of change in Eastern Africa / editor W. Arens
The Hague - Mouton, c1976
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I cercatori di miraggi / di Mario Chemello
Bologna - Imago orbis, 2008
Change and development in nomadic and pastoral societies / edited by John G. Galaty and Philip Carl Salzman
Leiden - Brill, 1981
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Change in Contemporary South Africa / edited by Leonard Thompson and Jeffrey Butler
Berkeley, Los Angeles
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3- Les changements d'aujourd'hui
Abidjan - INADES Formation, c1973
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Changements politiques au Maghreb / sous la direction de Michel Carnau
Paris - Edition du CNRS, 1991
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The changing geography of Africa and the Middle East / edited by Graham P. Chapman and Kathleen M. Baker
London ; New York, 1992
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Changing law in developing countries / ed. by J.N.D. Anderson
London - G. Allen & Unwin, (1963)
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Changing men in southern Africa / edited by Robert Morrell
Pietermaritzburg - University of Natal press, 2001
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Charisma and brotherhood in African Islam / edited by Donal B.Cruise O'Brien and Christian Coulon
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1988
Saggio Monografico
Charte africaine de Casablanca 1961 - document 40/100
Le Caire - Administration de l'Information, 1961
Saggio Monografico
La charte africaine des droits de l'homme et des peuples - vingtieme session d'enseignement, Strsbourg 28 juin-28 juillet 1989
Strasbourg - Institut international des droits de l'homme, (1989?
Saggio Monografico
Che cosa e' l'Africa orientale? - Eritrea, Abissinia, Somalia
Roma - L'azione coloniale, 1935
Saggio Monografico
Check-list of the freshwater fishes of Africa / editors J. Daget ... (ed altri)
Paris - ORSTOM, 1984-1991
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