segue AFRICA
The pressures of the text - orality, texts and the telling of tales / edited by Stewart Brown
Birmingham - Centre of West African studies, University of Birmingham, 1995
Saggio Monografico
Des pretres noirs s'interrogent / par A. Abble ... (ed altri ; preface de S. Exc. Mgr Lefebvre
Paris - Les editions du Cerf, 1957
Saggio Monografico
Private enterprise in British tropical Africa / report of a committee appointed by the secretary of State for the colony ...
London - HM stationery office, (1924)
Saggio Monografico
Problemes du developpement contemporain de l'Afrique
Moscou - Academie de s Sciences de l'URSS, 1980
Saggio Monografico
Problemi africani - dibattito svoltosi con l'intervento degli Ambasciatori Pellegrino Ghigi ... ed altri
Roma - Circolo di studi diplomatici, 1977
Saggio Monografico
Problems in the history of colonial Africa - 1860-1960 / edited by Robert O. Collins
New Jersey - Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall Inc., c1970
Saggio Monografico
Problems of contemporary Africa - proceedings of the Round table, Rome, 1 8-21 October 1987
Rome - (s. n.), 1988 (Roma - G. Pioda)
Saggio Monografico
Proceedings of the 1st Afro-Asian geothermal seminar - Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4-9 November 1985 / sponsored by the Italian Ministry for foreign affairs, Rome ; organized by the International institute for geothermal research, Pisa and CESEN, Centre for energy studies, Genoa ; editor E. Barbier
Oxford (etc. - Pergamon press, 1986
Saggio Monografico
Le processus d'education et l'historiographie en Afrique - documents de travail et compte rendu du colloque organise par l'Unesco a Dakar (Senegal) du 25 au 29 janvier 1982
Paris - Unesco, 1986
Saggio Monografico
Processus d'urbanisation en Afrique / Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch (ed.)
Paris - L'harmattan
Saggio Monografico
Producing nature and poverty in Africa / edited by Vigdis Broch-Due and Richard A. Schroeder
Uppsala - Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2000
Saggio Monografico
Produits d'Afrique
Paris - Moreux, c1998
Saggio Monografico
Produits d'Afrique
Paris - Moreux, c1999
Saggio Monografico
Profiles of African leaders / Thomas Patrick Melady
New York - Macmillan Company, 1962
Saggio Monografico
3- Profiles of change- African society and colonial rule / edited by Victor Turner
Cambridge - at the University press, 1971
Saggio Monografico