Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Il continente Africano ed Asiatico

Pagina nr. 254
1-40- 80-120- 160-200- 240-280- 320-360- 400-440- 480-520- 560-600- 640


segue AFRICA

Durieux, Andre
Droit ecrit et droit coutumier en Afrique centrale / par Andre Durieux
Bruxelles - (s.n.), 1970
Saggio Monografico

Durliat, Jean
Les dedicaces d'ouvrages de defense dans l'Afrique byzantine / Jean Durliat ; preface d'Azedine Beschaouch
Rome - Ecole francaise de Rome, 1981
Saggio Monografico

Durning, Alan B.
Apartheid's environmental toll / Alan B. Durning
Washington - Worldwatch Institute, c1990
Saggio Monografico

Durou, Aude
Bijoux nomades - le paysage aux sources de l'inspiration / Aude Durou ; photographies de Jean-Marc Durou
Geneve - Aubanel, (2006
Saggio Monografico

Duval, Noel
Les eglises africaines a deux absides - recherches archeologiques sur la liturgie chretienne en Afrique du Nord / par Noel Duval
Paris - E. De Boccard, 1971-
Saggio Monografico

Duval, Noel
Fausses basiliques (et faux martyr)- quelques "batiments a auges"d'Afrique / par Noel Duval ... et Yvette Duval
(S. l. - s. n., 1972?) (Rome - Imprimerie S. Pio X)
Saggio Monografico

Duval, Noel
La mosaique funeraire dans l'Art Paleochretien / Noel Duval
Ravenna - Longo, stampa 1976
Saggio Monografico

Duval, Yvette
Chretiens d'Afrique a l'aube de la paix constantinienne - les premiers echos de la grande persecution / Yvette Duval
Paris - Institut d'etudes augustiniennes, 2000
Saggio Monografico

Duval, Yvette
Loca sanctorum Africae - le culte des martyrs en Afrique du 4. au 7. siecle / par Yvette Duval
Roma - Ecole francaise de Rome
Saggio Monografico

Dyzenhaus, David
Hard cases in wicked legal systems - South African law in the perspective of legal philosophy / David Dyzenhaus
Oxford - Clarendon, 1991
Saggio Monografico

Dyzenhaus, David
Judging the judges, judging ourselves - truth, reconciliation and the apartheid legal order / David Dyzenhaus
Oxford - Hart, 1998
Saggio Monografico

Earthy, Emily Dora
Valenge women - the social and economic life of the Valenge women of Portuguese East Africa - an ethnographic study / by E. Dora Earthy
London - F. Cass & Co., 1968
Saggio Monografico

East African lay apostolate meeting (1961 ; Nyegezi)
East African Lay apostolate meeting - Nyegezi (Tanganyka), 21-27 August, 1961 / Proceedings edited by the Permanent committee for international congresses of the lay apostolate,... Rome for the Lay apostolate departemente of the Tanganyika episcopal conference,... Dar-es-Salaam
Roma - Tip. S. Giuseppe, 1962
Saggio Monografico

East African vacation school in pre-European African history and archaeology (1. ; 1962 ; Makerere)
Prelude to East African history - a collection of papers given at the First East African vacation school in pre-European African history and archaeology in December 1962 / edited by Merrick Posnansky ; with a preface by ... L. P. Kirwan
London (etc.) - Oxford University press, 1966
Saggio Monografico

Easton, Peter
L' education des adultes en Afrique noire - manuel d'auto-evaluation assistee / Peter Easton ; en collaboration avec Guy Belloncle
Paris - A.C.C.T. - Karthala, c1984
Saggio Monografico

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