Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Il continente Africano ed Asiatico

Pagina nr. 506
1-40- 80-120- 160-200- 240-280- 320-360- 400-440- 480-520- 560-600- 640


segue ASIA

Education for rural development in Asia - experiences and policy lesson - FAO-UNESCO seminar, 5-7 november 2002, Bangkok, Thailand
Paris - UNESCO, International institute for educational planning, 2002
Saggio Monografico

Effects of land-use change on atmospheric CO2 concentrations - South and Southeast Asia as a case study / Virginia H. Dale, editor
New York etc. - Springer-Verlag, 1994
Saggio Monografico

Emergence des marches obligataires dans les economies dynamiques d'Asie / a cura dell'OCDE
Paris - OCDE, 1993
Saggio Monografico

Emergent voices - Southeast Asian women novelists / Thelma B. Kintanar ... (ed altri)
Quezon City - University of the Philippines press, 1994
Saggio Monografico

Emerging economic systems in Asia - a political and economic survey / edited by Kyoko Sheridan
St. Leonards - Allen & Unwin, 1998
Saggio Monografico

Emirats arabes du Golfe - Koweit, Bahrein, Qatar, Federation des Emirats unis
Geneve - Nagel, 1977
Saggio Monografico

Emporia, commodities and entrepreneurs in Asian maritime trade, c. 1400-1750 / ed. by Roderich Ptak and Dietmar Rothermund
Stuttgart - F. Steiner, 1991
Saggio Monografico

Encyclopedia of Asian history - prepared under the auspices of the Asia Society / Ainslie T. Embree, editor in chief
New York - C. Scribner's Sons ; London - Collier Macmillan, c1988
Saggio Monografico

Encyclopedia of European and Asian regional geology / edited by Eldridge M. Moores and Rhodes W. Fairbridge
London (etc.) - Chapman & Hall, c1997
Saggio Monografico

Encyclopedia of modern Asia - a Berkshire reference work / David Levinson, Karen Christensen editors
New York (etc.) - Thomson-Gale
Saggio Monografico

Energy and environmental challenges in Central Asia and the Caucasus - windows for co-operarion / editor Preeti Soni ; foreword Salman Khurshid
New Delhi - Tata energy research institute, c1996
Saggio Monografico

Engaging Russia in Asia Pacific / edited by Watanabe Koji
Tokyo - Japan center for international exchange, c1999
Saggio Monografico

Enseignement superieur et developpement en Asie du sud-est
Paris - Unesco - Association internationale des universites, 1969
Saggio Monografico

Environmental change in South-East Asia - people, politics and sustainable development / edited by Michael J. G. Parnwell and Raymond L. Bryant
London ; New York, 1996
Saggio Monografico

Envoys from Korea - Japan-Korean cultural exchange for 200 years in pre-modern period
Tokyo - Tokyo national museum, c1985
Saggio Monografico

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