Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Il continente Africano ed Asiatico

Pagina nr. 546
1-40- 80-120- 160-200- 240-280- 320-360- 400-440- 480-520- 560-600- 640


segue ASIA

Arens, Eduardo
Asia Menor en tiempos de Pablo, Lucas y Juan - aspectos sociales y economicos para la comprension del Nuevo Testamento / Eduardo Arens
Cordoba - El Almendro, dep.leg. 1995
Saggio Monografico

Ariff, Mohamed
Export-oriented industrialisation - the ASEAN experience / Mohamed Ariff and Hal Hill
Sydney (etc.) - Allen and Unwin, 1985
Saggio Monografico

Arrowsmith, Aaron
Asia ... / A. Arrowsmith ; engraved by George Allen
Londra - A. Arrowsmith, 1801

Arrowsmith, Aaron
Map of Asia - to colonel Alexander M. P. ... / by A. Arrowsmith
S. l. - s. n., 1818

Arrowsmith, Aaron
Map of the islands of Japan, Kurile etc. with the adjacent coast of the Chinese dominions and a sketch of the river Amoor and the Baikal Lake, including the trading posts of Russia and China and their relative situations with Peking / delineated by A. Arrowsmith
London - A. Arrowsmith, 1811

The advancement of women in ASEAN - a regional report / ASEAN
Jakarta - ASEAN Secretariat, (1996?), 1996?
Saggio Monografico

ASEAN ministerial meetings
15. Asean ministerial meeting and post-ministerial meeting with the dialogue countries, Singapore, 14-18 june 1982
Jakarta - published by the Asean secretariat, (1982?)
Saggio Monografico

Asher, Catherine Ella Blanshard
India before Europe / Catherine B. Asher and Cynthia Talbot
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, 2006
Saggio Monografico

Asia regional scoping workshop (1999
Primary aquatic animal health care in rural, small-scale, aquaculture development - technical proceedings of the Asia regional scoping workshop, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 27-30 September 1999 / edited by J. Richard Arthur ... ed altri
Rome - FAO, 2002
Saggio Monografico

Asian employment planners (1. ; 1985 ; Bangkok)
Proceedings of the first meeting of the Asian employment planners - Bangkok, Thailand, 26-29 November 1985
New Delhi - International labour organisation, Asian employment programme1986
Saggio Monografico

Asian film festival (5. ; 2007 ; Roma)
Asian film festival 5 / a cura di Simone Emiliani
Torre Boldone - Edizioni di Cineforum, stampa 2007
Saggio Monografico

Asian history congress (1. ; 1961 ; Nuova Delhi)
Studies in Asian history - proceedings of the Asian history congress, 1961
London - (published for the) Indian council for cultural relations (by) Asia publ. house, c1969
Saggio Monografico

Asmis, Rudolf
Als Wirtschaftspionier in Russisch-Asien / tagebuchblatter von Rudolf Asmis
Berlin - Georg Stilke, 1926
Saggio Monografico

Association of British Orientalists
A select list of books on the Civilizations of the Orient / prepared by the Association of British orientalists and edited by W. A. C. H. Dobson
Oxford - Clarendon press, 1955
Saggio Monografico

Association of South Asian archaeologists in Western Europe
South Asian archaeology 1979 - papers from the fifth International conference of the Association of South Asian archaeologists in Western Europe - held in the Museum fur indische Kunst der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin / edited by Herbert Hartel
Berlin - D. Reimer, c1981
Saggio Monografico

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