Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Algebra

Pagina nr. 767 di 1187       

Jacquier, François (1711-1788)
3- Tomus tertius, quo Elementa arithmeticæ, algebræ, et geometriæ continentur
Venetiis - Simonis Occhi curis, 1773
Incluso in > Institutiones philosophicae ad studia theologica potissimum accomodatae, auctore Francisco Jacquier ... Tomus primus -sextus
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Jaeger, Arno
Introduction to analytic geometry and linear algebra / Arno Jaeger
New York - Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960
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Jaglom, Isaak Moiseevic
Konecnaja algebra, konecnaja geometrija i kody / I. M. Jaglom
Moskva - Znanie, 1980
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Jaglom, Isaak Moiseevic
An unusual algebra / I. M. Yaglom ; translated from the Russian by I. G. Volosova
Moscow - MIR, 1978
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Jairo Charris seminar (2007-2008 ; Universidad Sergio Arboleda)
Differential algebra, complex analysis, and orthogonal polynomials - Jairo Charris Seminar, 2007-2008, Escuela de Matematicas, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogota, Colombia / Primitivo B. Acosta-Humanez, Francisco Marcellán, editors
Providence - American Mathematical Society, 2010
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Jajte, Ryszard
Strong limit theorems in noncommutative L2-spaces / Ryszard Jajte
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1991
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Jajte, Ryszard
Strong limit theorems in noncommutative L 2 subscript / Ryszard Jajte
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1991
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James, Gordon Douglas
The representation theory of the symmetric group / Gordon James, Adalbert Kerber ; foreword by P. M. Cohn ; introduction by G. De Robinson
London (etc.) - Addison-Wesley, 1981
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James, Ioan Mackenzie
Fibrewise topology / I. M. James
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1989
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James, Ioan Mackenzie
The topology of Stiefel manifolds / I. M. James
Cambridge (Eng.) - Cambridge University Press, 1976
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Jamieson, Alexander
A dictionary of mechanical science, arts, manufactures, and miscellaneous knowledge - comprising the pure sciences of mathematics, geometry, arithmetic, algebra, &c., the mixed sciences of mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, optics, and astronomy, experimental philosophy ... / by Alexander Jamieson
London - Printed for H. Fisher
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Jammes, Laurence
Gioca con i numeri / illustrazioni- Laurence Jammes e Marc Clamens
Milano - Fabbri, (2010)
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Jancewicz, Bernard
Multivectors and Clifford algebra in electrodynamics / Bernard Jancewicz
Singapore (etc.) - World Scientific, copyr. 1988
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Janet, Maurice
Les modules de formes algebriques et la theorie generale des systemes differentiels / par Maurice Janet
Paris - Gauthier-Villars, 1924
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Janet, Maurice
Sur les formes canoniques invariantes des systemes algebriques et differentiells - note / de Maurice Janet
Paris - Gauthier-Villars, 1922
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