(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: America (A-CAN) |
Pagina nr. 95 di 5334 |
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Washington - Washington Publications, (19..?) Incluso in > Introducing America - a text for English as a foreign language with reading selections, dialogs and grammar review / Mary Petley Testo Monografico 1 / Maxwell M. Wintrobe ; traduzione della 4. ed. americana a cura del dott. Vilfrido Cameron-Curry ; sotto la direzione del prof. Fausto Penati Torino - UTET, 1959 Incluso in > Ematologia clinica / Maxwell M. Wintrobe ; traduzione della 4. ed. americana a cura del dott. Vilfrido Cameron-Curry sotto la direzione del prof. Fausto Penati Testo Monografico 1 / Mayne Reid Milano - Muggiani, 1876 Incluso in > Avventure d'una famiglia perduta nelle solitudini dell'America / Mayne Reid Testo Monografico 1 / Melchor de Paz Lima - (s.n. , 1952 Incluso in > Guerra separatista - rebeliones de Indios en Sur America, la sublevacion de Tupac Amaru / cronica de Melchor De Paz ; con apostillas a la obra de Melchior de Paz por Luis Antonio Eguiguren Testo Monografico 1 / Mercadante Milano - Myto, p1990 Incluso in > Il giuramento / Mercadante ; Wolff, Wells, Molese, Colmagro ; T. Schippers Registrazione audio 1 / Merle Curti ... ed altri New York - Harper & brothers, ©1950 Incluso in > An American history / Merle Curti ... et al. Testo Monografico 1 / Merle Curti ed altri Philadelphia ed altri - Lippincott, 1971 Incluso in > American issues - the social record / Merle Curti et al Testo Monografico 1 / Michael G. Mulhall Buenos Aires - Standard Office ; London - Stanford, 1878 Incluso in > The english in south America / by Michael G. Mulhall Testo Monografico 1 / Michael O'Brien Chapel Hill ; London - University of North Carolina Press, c2004 Incluso in > Conjectures of order - intellectual life and the American South, 1810-1860 / Michael O'Brien Testo Monografico 1 / Michael S. A. Dechert Ann Arbor - UMI, printed 1989 Incluso in > City and fortress in the works of Francesco Di Giorgio - the theory and practice of defensive architecture and town planning - The Catholic University of America, 1984 / Michael S.A. Dechert Testo Monografico 1 / Miguel De Cervantes Madrid - Emesa, 1971 Incluso in > El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha / Miguel De Cervantes ; estudio preliminar de Americo Castro Testo Monografico 1 / Miguel Donoso Pareja ; Pedro Orgambide ... ed altri Mexico - Secretaria de educacion publica, 1972 Incluso in > Prosa joven de America Hispana / Miguel Donoso Pareja Testo Monografico 1 / Montgomery Schuyker Cambridge, Mass. - Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1961 Incluso in > American architecture and other writings / Ed. by William H. Jordy and Ralph Coe Testo Monografico 1 / Murray G. Murphey, Luther S. Luedtke Washinton - published by the Division for the study of the United States bureau of educational and cultural affairs - United States information agency, 1982 Incluso in > American studies - an annotated bibliography of works on the civilization of the United States / Murray G. Murphey, Luther S. Luedtke ; prepared in consultation with the American studies association Testo Monografico 1 / National labor relations board Washington - United States Government printing office, 1959 Incluso in > Legislative history of the Labor-management reporting and disclosure act of 1959 / published by the National labor relations board Testo Monografico |