(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: America (A-CAN) |
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Londres - Jackson, s.d. Incluso in > Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-americano de literatura, ciencias, artes, etc. / redactado por distinguidos profesores y publicistas de Espana y America Testo Monografico 15- Pandora to Psychopathy New York - Grolier incorporated, c1962 Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Testo Monografico 15- Pandora to Psychopathy New York - Grolier, c1963 Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Testo Monografico 15- Photo-engraving-Rembrandt New York - Grolier, 1966 Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Testo Monografico 15- Photoengraving to Rembrandt New York - Grolier, c1965 Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work Testo Monografico 15- Photoengraving to Rembrandt New York - Grolier, c1970 Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a modern reference work / (editor in chief Edward Humphrey) Testo Monografico 15- R-Relacio - 245693-257140 Barcelona - Palau, 1962 Incluso in > Manual del librero hispano-americano - bibliografia general espanola e hispano-americana desde la invencion de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos, con el valor comercial de los impresos descritos / p... Testo Monografico 15- Tat-uzz New York - Scientific American, (1903 Incluso in > The Americana - a universal reference library, comprising the arts and sciences, literature, history, biography, geography, commerce, etc., of the world / Editor-in-chief- Frederick Converse Beach ... Testo Monografico 15- Tomo 15. - O-Pen Incluso in > Diccionario enciclopedico hispano-americano de literatura, ciencias, artes, etc. / readacto por distinguidos profesores y publicistas de Espana y America Testo Monografico 15- Transcripts 1778 Dublin - Irish University Press, 1976 Incluso in > Documents of the American revolution - 1770-1783 / ed. by K. G. Davies Testo Monografico 15A St. Paul, Minn. - West, c2002 Incluso in > Corpus juris secundum - a contemporary statement of American law as derived from reported cases and legislation / by Lawrence J. Culligan and Milorad Nikolic ; poi Robert J. Owens and Anthony V. Am... Testo Monografico 15A- (Commercial) - Brooklyn, N. Y. - The American law book, c1 967 Incluso in > Corpus juris secundum - a complete restatement of the entire American law as developed by all reported cases / by William Mack and Donald J. Kiser ; assisted by the combined editorial staffs of the A... Testo Monografico 15th & 16th century european drawings - organized and circulated by the American Federation of Arts, August, 1967 - August, 1968 / selected by A. Hyatt Mayor New York - American Federation of Arts, c1967 Testo Monografico , 1789 Incluso in > Storia moderna de' Cinesi, de' Giapponesi, degl'Indiani, de' Persiani, degli Arabi, de' Turchi, de' Greci, degli Africani, de' Russi, e degli Americani. Per servire di continuazione alla Storia antic... Testo Monografico , 1821 Incluso in > Storia dell'America in continuazione del Compendio della Storia universale del sig. conte di Segur opera originale italiana. Tomo primo. (-ventesimottavo ed ultimo.) Testo Monografico |