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Incluso in > Catalogue of Foraminifera - special publication / by Brooks F. Ellis and Angelina R. Messina ; published by the American Museum of natural history as a report on Official Project no. 65-1-97-21- WP 1... Testo Monografico 171 Incluso in > Catalogue of Foraminifera - special publication / by Brooks F. Ellis and Angelina R. Messina ; published by the American Museum of natural history as a report on Official Project no. 65-1-97-21- WP 1... Testo Monografico 172 Incluso in > Catalogue of Foraminifera - special publication / by Brooks F. Ellis and Angelina R. Messina ; published by the American Museum of natural history as a report on Official Project no. 65-1-97-21- WP 1... Testo Monografico 173 Incluso in > Catalogue of Foraminifera - special publication / by Brooks F. Ellis and Angelina R. Messina ; published by the American Museum of natural history as a report on Official Project no. 65-1-97-21- WP 1... Testo Monografico 173- 1937 - Vol. 5- The American Republics Incluso in > Foreign relations of the United States - Diplomatic Papers Testo Monografico 1- 1750-1914 Incluso in > The shaping of American diplomacy / edited with commentary by William Appleman Williams Testo Monografico 1760-1850 Novara - De Agostini, c2007 Incluso in > History of the United States of America Audiovisivo 1 - 1765-1788 - agente di Virginia durante la rivoluzione americana Incluso in > Filippo Mazzei - scelta di scritti e lettere / a cura di Margherita Marchione ; con la collaborazione di Stanley J. Idzerda e S. Eugene Scalia ; presentazione dell' on. Giulio Andreotti Testo Monografico 1765-1964 - two hundred years of American plays - an exhibition arranged to celebrate the bicentennial of the publication of Thomas Godfrey's «The prince of Parthia» Providence, R.I. - John D. Rockefeller jr. Library, 1965 Testo Monografico V. 1- 1776-1815 London (etc.) - Oxford University Press, 1956 Incluso in > Speeches and documents in American history / selected and edited by Robert Birley Testo Monografico 1- 1776-1815 London (etc.) - Oxford University Press, 1962 Incluso in > Speeches and documents in American history / selected and edited by Robert Birley Testo Monografico 1789- la Rivoluzione francese e la Chiesa / Claude Geffré, Jean-Pierre Jossua (edd.) Brescia - Queriniana, 1989 Incluso in > Concilium - rivista internazionale di teologia Testo Monografico 178- 1938 - Vol. 5- The American Republics Incluso in > Foreign relations of the United States - Diplomatic Papers Testo Monografico Vol. 2- 1790 to 1945 / edited by Stephen J. Stein New York - Cambridge University Press, 2012 Incluso in > The Cambridge history of religions in America / edited by Stephen J. Stein Testo Monografico 17- 1783-1968 / collected and edited by Francis Deak ; Frank S. Ruddy assistant editor Dobbs Ferry ; New York - Oceana, 1977 Incluso in > American international law cases Testo Monografico |