Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 440 di 5334       

2- B to Civil Procedure
Minneapolis/Saint Paul (etc.) - West Publishing Company, c1998
Incluso in > Wests encyclopedia of American law
Testo Monografico

2- B-Boyl
Microfiches 42-164
Incluso in > American biographical archive - a one-alphabet cumulation of almost 400 of the most important English-language biographical reference works on the United States and Canada originally published betwee...
Testo Monografico

2- Baa to Cam
San Francisco etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1967
Incluso in > New catholic encyclopedia / Prepared by an editorial staff at the Catholic University of America
Testo Monografico

2- Baker-Blatch
New York etc. - Oxford University Press, 1999
Incluso in > American national biography / general editors John A. Garraty, Mark C. Carnes
Testo Monografico

2- Ballads 54 to 113
Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1962
Incluso in > The traditional tunes of the Child ballads - with their texts, according to the extant records of Great Britain and America
Testo Monografico

2- Be to Col
Detroit (etc.) - Thomson Gale, 2005
Incluso in > Wests encyclopedia of American law
Testo Monografico

Madrid etc. - Espasa-Calpe, c1931
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana ... Apendice
Testo Monografico

2- Bernabe-Comfort
Madrid - Espasa- Calpe, (2003)
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana. Apendice 1934-2002
Testo Monografico

Madrid - Espasa-Calpe, 2005
Incluso in > Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana. Apendice 1934-2005.
Testo Monografico

2- Bowron-Cosper
Incluso in > American biographical index / compiled by Laureen Baillie
Testo Monografico

2- Bradl-Cram
Munchen - K. G. Saur, 2007
Incluso in > American biographical index / compiled by Laureen Baillie
Testo Monografico

2- Brearly-Cushing / edited by Allen Johnson and Dumas Malone
New York - C. Scribner's sons, c1958
Incluso in > Dictionary of American biography / under the auspices of the American Council of learned societies
Testo Monografico

2- Brooks, S.-Demarest
Munchen - K. G. Saur, (2003 )
Incluso in > American biographical archive to 2001 - ABA 3. / editor- Laureen Baillie
Testo Monografico

2- Brown, S.-Diggs
New York - Oxford University press, 2008
Incluso in > African American national biography / editors in chief- Henry Louis Gates jr., Evelyn Brooks Higginbotham
Testo Monografico

2- C-CH / por Antonio Palau y Dulcet
Madrid - Julio Ollero, 1990
Incluso in > Manual del librero hispano-americano - inventario bibliografico de la produccion cientifica y literaria de Espana y de la America Latina desde la invencion de la imprenta hasta nuestros dias, con el ...
Testo Monografico