Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 1223 di 5334       

An atlas of renewable energy resources in the United Kingdom and North America / Mustoe Julian E. H
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Atlas of stored product insects and mites / David Hagstrum- (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato ) - Int.AMerican Assoc. of Cereal, 2013. -
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Atlas of the oral and maxillofacial surgery Clinics of North America
Philadelphia (PA) (etc.) - W. B. Saunders, 1993-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Atlas of the urologic clinics of North America
Philadelphia (PA) (etc. - W. B. Saunders, (©1993-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Atlas of Western, Northwestern and Middle Western States - with maps of the Island Possessions, Japan, China, United States and the world, showing location of Railway lines of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, Great Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Railway / issued by Burlington Route, Great Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Railway
(Chicago - Rand McNally and Co., 1905
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AA- Atlas Southern Anthracite Field
, c1889-1992
Incluso in > Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania- report of progress
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20- Atlas
New York - Grolier incorporated, c1962
Incluso in > The American peoples encyclopedia - a comprehensive reference work
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The atmospheres of Venus - papers from the second Arizona conference on planetary atmospheres, Tucson, Arizona, 11-13 March 1968
Incluso in > Journal of the atmospheric sciences / American Meteorological Society
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Atmospheric aerosols - their optical properties and effects - a digest of technical papers presented at the topical meeting on atmospheric aerosols, their optical properties and effects, December 13-15, 1976, Williamsburg, Virginia / sponsored by Optical Society of America, NASA Langley Research Center
Springfield - National Technical Information Center, 1976
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11.03.- Atmospheric analysis occupational health and safety protective clothing - includes standards of the following committees- D22 on sampling and analysis of atmospheres E-34 on occupational health and safety F-23 on protective clothing / ASTM
Easton - ASTM, c1999
Incluso in > Section 11.- Water and environmental technology / ASTM
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11.03- Atmospheric Analysis; Occupational Health and Safety
, 1988
Incluso in > Annual Book of ASTM Standards 1988 / American Society for Testing and Materials
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Atmospheric carbon dioxide and the global carbon cycle / edited by John R. Trabalka
Washington, D.C. - U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Energy Research, Office of Basic Energy Scinces, Carbon Dioxide Research Division, 1985
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Atmospheric explorations - papers of the Benjamin Franklin Memorial Symposium of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences / edited by Henry G. Houghton
Cambridge (Mass.) - The Technology Press of Massachusetts Institute of Technology ; New York - John Wiley and Sons, c1958
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5- Atmospheric optics, modulators, fiber optics, x-ray and neutron optics / Sponsored by the Optical Society of America ; Michael Bass, editor in chief... (ed altri)
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c2010
Incluso in > Handbook of optics / sponsored by the Optical society of America ; Michael Bass, editor in chief... (et al.)
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Atomic and nuclear methods in fossil energy research - (proceedings of the American nuclear society Conference on atomic and nuclear methods in fossil fuel energy research, held December 1-4, 1980, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico) / edited by Royston H. Filby ; associate editors, B. Stephen Carpenter and Richard C. Ragaini
New York - Plenum press, 1982
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