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Ann Arbor, Mi - NSF International, c1992 Testo Monografico La droga e i giovani Rome - United States information service, 1986 Testo Monografico La droga e i giovani Rome - United States Information Service, 1986 Testo Monografico Le droit d'informer - le role des medias dans le developpement economique / traduit de l'americain par Marie-France Pavillet et Caroline Guibert Bruxelles - De Boeck ; Paris - Nouveaux Horizons, °2005 Testo Monografico Le droit dans la culture americaine / sous la direction de Philippe Raynaud et Elisabette Zoller Paris - Pantheon Assas editions, 2001 Testo Monografico Droit des États-Unis / sous la direction de Alain A. Levasseur ; avec le concours du Louisiana state university law center Paris - Dalloz, 1994 Testo Monografico 44- Drosophila melanogaster - practical uses in cell and molecular biology / edited by Lawrence S. B. Goldstein e Eric A. Fyrberg San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1994 Incluso in > Methods in cell biology / edited by David M. Prescott Testo Monografico Drought injury and resitance in crops - a symposium sponsored by the Crop science society of America Madison - CSSA, 1971 Testo Monografico Drug abuse - origins & interventions / edited by Meyer D. Glantz and Christine R. Hartel Washington DC - American Psychological Association, 1999 Testo Monografico Drug abuse - social and psychopharmacological aspects / compiled and edited by Jonathan O. Cole and J. R. Wittenborn Springfield, Ill. - Charles C. Thomas, c1969 Testo Monografico Drug abuse in the modern world - a perspective for the eighties - an international symposium held at the College of physicians and surgeons of Columbia University / organized by Gabriel G. Nahas, Henry Brill and the International medical council on drug use ; spondored by National federation of parents for a drug free youth ... ed altri ; edited by Gabriel G. Nahas, Henry Clay Frick 2 New York etc. - Pergamon press, c1981 Testo Monografico Drug addiction- crime of disease - Interim and final reports of the joint committee of the American Bar association and the American Medical Association on Narcotic Drugs ; introduction by A. R. Lindesmith Bloomington - Indiana University press, 1961 Testo Monografico Drug allergy / Paul P. VanArsdel Jr. guest editor Philadelphia, PA etc. - W. B. Saunders, 1991 Incluso in > Immunology and allergy clinics of North America Testo Monografico Drug discovery - science and development in a changing society - two symposia sponsored by the division of medicinal chemistry at the 160. meeting of the american chemical society, Chicago, Ill., Sept. 15-16, 1970 / symposia chairmen Barry Bloom and Glenn E. Ullyot Washington - American chemical society, 1971 Testo Monografico Drug evaluations / prepared by the American medical association, Department of drugs, Division of drugs and technology in cooperation with the American society for clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Chicago, IL - American medical association ; Philadelphia, PA - distributed worldwide by W. B. Saunders, (©1986 Pubblicazione Periodica |