Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 2613 di 5334       

Maxillofacial reconstruction / editor Patrick J. Louis; consulting editor Richard H. Haug. - Philadelphia (etc.) - Saunders, (2013). - XI, P. 106-339 - ill. ; 24 cm
Incluso in > Oral and maxillofacial surgery clinics of North America
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Maximizing the benefits of antiviral therapy for HCV - the advantages of treating side effects / guest editor Rober G. Gish
Philadelphia, PA - Saunders, (©2004
Incluso in > Gastroenterology clinics of North America
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Maximum crop yields - the challenge
Madison, Wisconsin - American society of agronomy, 1967
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Maximum permissible body burdens and maximum permissible concentrations of radionuclides in air and in water for occupational exposure - recommendations of the National Committee on radiation protection
Washington - U.S. Department of commerce, National bureau of standars, 1959
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May it please the court - the most significant oral arguments made before the Supreme Court since 1955 / edited by Peter Irons and Stephanie Guitton
New York - The new press, 1993
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I maya
(Novara) - De Agostini junior, stampa 1992
Incluso in > Alla scoperta dell'America - i viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo e le antiche civilta americane
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I Maya
Milano - Armenia, ©1998
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I maya / a cura di Christian Ratsch
Milano - Armenia, ©1999
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12.- I maya - seconda parte
(Novara) - De Agostini junior, stampa 1992
Incluso in > Alla scoperta dell'America - i viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo e le antiche civilta americane
Testo Monografico

I maya - terza parte
(Novara) - De Agostini junior, stampa 1992
Incluso in > Alla scoperta dell'America - i viaggi di Cristoforo Colombo e le antiche civilta americane
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The Maya and their central American neighbors - settlement patterns, architecture, hieroglyphic texts, and ceramics / edited by Geoffrey E. Braswell
London ; New York - Routledge, 2014
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Maya Angelou - (author / Miles Shapiro
Danbury, Con. - Grolier, c1994
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4.1- Maya Angelou to Linda Hogan / A. Walton Litz editor in chief, Molly Weigel assistant editor
New York- Charles Scribner's sons, ©1996
Incluso in > American writers - a collection of literary biographies. Supplement
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Maya Deren and the American avant-garde / edited by Bill Nichols
Berkeley - University of California Press, c2001
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The Maya diaspora - Guatemalan roots, new American lives / edited by James Loucky and Marylin M. Moors
Philadelphia - Temple university press, 2000
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