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Pagina nr. 4266 di 5334 |
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Manuale per il controllo delle malattie trasmissibili - rapporto ufficiale dell'American public health association / a cura di David L. Heymann ; edizione italiana a cura di Giuseppe Marasca Roma - Dea, c2004 Testo Monografico American public health association Mental disorders - a guide to control methods / prepared by the Program Area Committee on Mental Health American Public Health Association New Yrk - l'Associazione, c1952 Testo Monografico American public health association Methods for determining lead in air and in biological materials / American Public Health Association. Occupational Health Section New York - American Public Health Association, ©1955 Testo Monografico American public health association Pediatric HIV Infection - a report of the Special Initiative on AIDS of the American Public Health Association / AIDS Working Group- Caswell A. Evans Jr. ...( ed altri) Washington - American Public Health Association, 1989 Testo Monografico American public health association Profilassi delle malattie infettive dell'uomo / rapporto ufficiale della Associazione americana di sanita pubblica redatto sotto gli auspici del Comitato per le malattie infettive ; Abram S. Benenson editor Palermo - S. F. Flaccovio, 1973 Testo Monografico American public health association Prophylaxie des maladies contagieuses de l'homme / rapport officiel de l'American public health association ; traduit de l'anglais par le Service de l'epidemiologie, Ministere de la sante nationale et du bien-etre social, Ottawa, Canada Ottawa - E. Cloutier, 1956 Testo Monografico American public health association Public Health Implications of Early Intervention in HIV Disease - a report of the Special Initiative on AIDS of the American Public Health Association / AIDS Working Group- Robert G. Newman ...(ed altri) Washington - American Public health Association, 1990 Testo Monografico American public health association Recommended practice for Design, equipment and operation of swimming pools and other public bathing places - an official report of the American Public health association prepared by ... New York - The American public health association, 1942 Testo Monografico American public health association Selected analytical methods approved and cited by the United States Environmental Protection Agency / prepared and published by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation (Washington DC), Port City Press, ©1981 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods - for the examination of water and wastewater / prepared and published jointly by American Public health association, American water works association, Water pollution control federation Washington - American public health association, c1981 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods for the examination of dairy products - microbiological, bioassay and chemical / microbiological and bioassay methods formulated by committees of the American Public Health Association .. Washington - American public health association, 1948 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods for the examination of dairy products microbiological and chemical - chemical methods quoted from the ninth edition (1960) of Official methods of analysis of the Association of official agricultural chemists by permissionof that Association - microbiological and miscellaneous chemical methods / formulated by Committees of the American public health association and approved for publication by the American public health association .. New York - APHA, 1960 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage / prepared, approved and published jointly by American public health association, and the American water works association New York - American public health association, 1936 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods for the examination of water and sewage / prepared, approved and published jointly by the American public health association and the American water works association New York - Publication office American public health association, 1933 Testo Monografico American public health association Standard methods for the examination of water and wasterwater - including bottom, sediments and sluges / prepered end published jointly by American public health association, American water works association, Water pollution control federation New York - American public health association, c1960 Testo Monografico |