(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: America (A-CAN) |
Pagina nr. 4584 di 5334 |
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2- El desarrollo económico del Brasil / estudio realizado por el Grupo mixto del Banco nacional de desarrollo económico del Brasil y la Comisión económica para América latina México - Naciones Unidas, Departamento de asuntos económicos y sociales, 1956 Incluso in > Analisis y proyecciones del desarrollo economico / Estudio realizado por la Secretaria de la Comision Economica para America Latina Testo Monografico Bancroft, Edward Naturgeschichte von Guiana in Süd-Amerika. Worinn von der natürlichen Beschaffenheit und den vornehmsten Naturproducten des Landes, ingleichen der Religion, Sitten und Gebräuchen verschiedener Stämme der wilden Landes-Einwohner, Nachricht ertheilet wird. In vier Briefen. Von Eduard Bancroft, Esq. Aus dem Englischen Frankfurt und Leipzig - bey J. Dodsley und Compagnie, 1769 Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 1 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co, 1879 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 2 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1879 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 3 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1879 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 4 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1879 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 5 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1878 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 6 / Boston - Little, Brown and Co., 1878 Incluso in > History of the United States of America from Discovery of the Continent / George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 9- The American revolution - 1776 to 1778. 3 / by George Bancroft Boston - Little, Brown, and Company, 1866 Incluso in > History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent / by George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 7- The American revolution. 1 / by George Bancroft Boston - Little, Brown, and Company, 1860 Incluso in > History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent / by George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George 8- The American revolution. 2 / by George Bancroft Boston - Little, Brown, and Company, 1860 Incluso in > History of the United States, from the discovery of the American continent / by George Bancroft Testo Monografico Bancroft, George Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika von der Entdeckung des amerikanischen Continents an bis auf die neueste Zeit / von George Bancroft ; nach der neunten Auflage des Originals deutsch (v. 4-8- Deutsch) von A. Kretzschmar Leipzig - Otto Wigand Testo Monografico Bancroft, George Histoire des Etats-Unis - Depuis la decouverte du continent americain ; Traduit de l'anglais par Isabelle Gatti de Gamond Paris - Firmin Didot Freres ; Bruxelles - Lacroix Van Meenen, 1861-1864 Testo Monografico Bancroft, George Histoire des Etats-Unis depuis la decouverte du continent americain / de George Bancroft ; traduite de l'anglaise par Isabelle Gatti De Gamond Paris - Firmin Didot ; Bruxelles ; poi Leipzig - A. Lacroix - Van Meenen - poi Verboeckhoven Testo Monografico Bancroft, George Histoire des Etats-Unis depuis la decouverte du continent americain George Bancroft ; traduite de l'anglais par Isabelle Gatti De Gamond Paris - Firmin Didot freres, fils et C. ; Bruxelles (etc.) - A. Lacroix, Van Meenen et C. - (poi) Verboeckhoven, 1861-1864 Testo Monografico |