Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 4829 di 5334       

Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire (Strasburgo)
Fonds americaniste ancien de la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg / travaux de l'Institut d'études latino-américaines de l'Université de Strasbourg
Strasbourg - Institut d'études latino-américaines de l'Université de Strasbourg, 1968
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Bibliothèque royale Albert 1. (Bruxelles)
Cartes des Ameriques dans la collections de la Bibliotheque royale Albert 1er - exposition organisee a la Bibliotheque royale Albert 1er, du 13 novembre au 31 decembre 1992 / Hossam Elkhadem ... ed altri
Bruxelles - Bibliotheque royale Albert 1er, 1992
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Bicentennial conference on mathematical programming (1976 ; Gaithersburg)
Computers and mathematical programming - proceedings of the Bicentennial Conference on mathematical programming held at the National bureau of standards - Gaithersburg, November 29-December 1, 1976 / edited by William W. White
Washington - National bureau of standards, 1978
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Bicentennial Symposium of Philosophy (1976 - New York, N.
Two centuries of philosophy in America / edited and with an introd. by Peter Caws
Totowa, N. J. - Rowman and Littlefield
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Bichowsky, F. Russell
The thermochemistry of the chemical substances - the assembly of a self consistent table of "best" values for the heats of formation of the chemical substances (except carbon compounds containing more than two carbon atoms), including heats of transition, fusion, and vaporization / By F. Russell Bichowsky and Frederick D. Rossini
New York - Reinhold publishing corporation, 1936
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Bickel, Daniel J.
A revision of the neartic medetera (diptera- dolichopodidae) / by Daniel J. Bickel
(Washington - United states Departement of Agriculture, 1985
Incluso in > Technical bulletin / United States Department of agriculture
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Bickel, Keith B.
Mars learning - the marine corps development of small wars doctrine, 1915-1940 / Keith B. Bickel
°Boulder - Westview, c2001
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Bickford, M. E.
Geochronology of Precambrian rocks in the St. Francois Mountains, Southwestern Missouri / M. E. Bickford, D. G. Mose
Boulder, Co. - The geological society of America, c1975
Incluso in > Special paper / Geological Society of America
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Bickham, Troy
Making headlines - the American Revolution as seen through the British press / Troy Bickham
DeKalb - Northern Illinois University Press, 2009
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Bickham, Troy O.
Savages within the Empire - representations of American Indians in eighteenth-century Britain / Troy O. Bickham
Oxford - Clarendon press, 2005
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Bickman, Martin
American romantic psychology - Emerson, Poe, Whitman, Dickinson, Melville / by Martin Bickman
Dallas, Tex. - Spring Publications, 1988
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Bickmore, Barbara
Il bacio della luna / Barbara Bickmore
Milano - Sperling Paperback, 1999
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Bickmore, Barbara
Il bacio della luna / Barbara Bickmore ; traduzione di Grazia Alineri
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1996
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Bickmore, Barbara
Dove brucia il sole / Barbara Bickmore ; traduzione di Maria Barbara Piccioli
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, (1992)
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Bickmore, Barbara
Dove brucia il sole / Barbara Bickmore ; traduzione di Maria Barbara Piccioli
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1992
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