Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (A-CAN)

Pagina nr. 4841 di 5334       

Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
Contemporary American playwrights / Christopher Bigsby
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1999
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Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
A critical introduction to twentieth-century american drama / C.W.E. Bigsby
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1982-1985
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Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
Modern american drama - 1945-1990 / C. W. E. Bigsby
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1994
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Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
Modern American drama, 1945-1990 / C. W. E. Bigsby
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1992
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Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
Modern American drama, 1945-2000 / C. W. E. Bigsby
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University press, ©2000
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Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
2- Tennessee Williams Arthur Miller Edward Albee / C. W. E. Bigsby
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1989
Incluso in > A critical introduction to twentieth-century american drama / C. W. E. Bigsby
Testo Monografico

Bigsby, Christopher William Edgar
2 - Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee / C. W. E. Bigsby
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge University Press, 1984
Incluso in > A critical introduction to twentieth-century american drama / C.W.E. Bigsby
Testo Monografico

Bikaki, Aliki Halepa
Vol. 4- Ayia Irini - the potters marks / by Aliki Halepa Bikaki
Mainz - von Zabern, 1984
Incluso in > Keos - results of excavations / conducted by the University of Cincinnati under the auspices of the American School of classical studies of Athens
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Bilateral Bulgarian and American seminar on introducing research results into practice (1986 ; Sofia)
Introducing research results into practice - proceedings of the bilateral Bulgarian and American seminar on the intoducing research results into practice - Sofia, October 6 to 17, 1986 / (editorial board Blagovest Sendov, Ivan Popchev, Yatchko Ivanov)
Sofia - Publishing house of the Bulgarian Academy of science
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Bilbao, Francisco
El evangelio americano / Francisco Bilbao ; estudio preliminar por Dardo Cuneo
Buenos Aires - Editorial Americalee, (1943
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Bilbao, Francisco
El Evangelio americano / Francisco Bilbao ; seleccion, prologo y bibliografia Alejandro Witker ; cronologia Leopoldo Benavides
Caracas - Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1988
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Bilbao, Francisco
Iniciativa de la America - idea de un congreso federal de las Republicas / Francisco Bilbao
México - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México etc. , stampa 1978
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Bilbrey, Joseph H.
Cobalt - a materials survey / by Joseph H. Bilbrey jr
(Washington) - U.S. Department of the Interior, 1962
Incluso in > Information circular / United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines
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Bilderback, William Winch
The American communist party and World War 2. / William Winch Bilderback
Ann Arbor - University microfilms international, 1982
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Bildstein, Keith L.
Behavioral ecology of red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), rough-legged hawks (Buteo lagopus), northern harriers (Circus cyaneus), and american kestrels (Falco sparvierus) in South central Ohio / by Keith L. Bildstein
Columbus (Ohio) - College of biological sciences - the Ohio State University, 1987
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