Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (A-NAT) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1174
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1740


Hirschman, Albert O.
Journeys toward progress - studies of economic policy-making in Latin America / Albert O. Hirschman
New York - W. W. Norton & Co., 1973
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Hirschman, Albert O.
Tre continenti - economia politica e sviluppo della democrazia in Europa, Stati Uniti e America Latina / Albert O. Hirschman ; a cura di Luca Meldolesi
Torino - G. Einaudi, (1990
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Hirsh, Michael
At war with ourselves - why America is squandering its chance to build a better world / Michael Hirsh
Oxford °etc. - OUP, 2003
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Hirsh, Richard F.
Power loss - the origins of deregulation and restructuring in the American electric utility system / Richard F. Hirsh
Cambridge, Mass. ; London - The Mit, 1999
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Hirsh, Richard F.
Technology and transformation in the American electric utility industry / Richard F. Hirsh
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1989
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Hirst, Francis Wrigley (1873-1953)
The credit of nations / by Francis W. Hirst . and The trade balance of the United States / by George Paish
Washington - Government printing office, 1910
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Hirt, Geoffrey A.
Fundamentals of investment management / Geoffrey A. Hirt, Stanley B. Block
Homewood ; Boston - Irwin, c1993
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Hischack, Thomas S.
The theatregoer's almanac - a collection of lists, people, history, and commentary on the American theatre / Thomas S. Hischak
Westport, Conn. etc. - Greenwood press, 1997
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Hischak, Thomas
Film it with music - an enciclopedic guide to the American movie musical / Thomas Hischak
Westport (Connect.) ; London - Greenwood, 2001
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Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Council (Londra)
Latin America - An introduction to modern books in English concerning the Countries of Latin America / a list prepared by the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Council
London - Library Association, 1966
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Hispanic Society of America (New York)
Antique marbles in the collection of the Hispanic Society of America / by J. Pijoan
New York - the Hispanic Society of America, 1917
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Hispanic Society of America (New York)
A boxwood triptych in the collection of the Hispanic Society of America
New York - Printed by order of the Trustees, 1927
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Hispanic Society of America (New York)
Catalogo de los manuscritos poéticos castellanos existentes en la biblioteca de The Hispanic Society of America (siglos 15., 16. y 17.) / por Antonio Rodriguez-Moñino y Maria Brey Mariño
New York - Hispanic Society of America, 1965-1966
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Hispanic Society of America (New York)
Catalogue of publications / The Hispanic Society of America
New York - The Hispanic Society of America, c1907
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Hispanic Society of America (New York)
La coleccion de ceramica de Alcora / The Hispanic Society of America
°Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Fundacion Blasco de Alagon, dep.leg. 2005
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